
Sweet Podcast…The Matineecast: Episode 41

Last time I chatted at length with my old cineblogging friend Hatter, we waxed poetic and raved about the stellar indie kidnapping flick The Disappearance of Alice Creed. Needless to say it has been too long since we picked up that sweet science. So after getting some well deserved rest from his extensive coverage of this year’s TIFF, we both stepped to the plate for my second trip to The Matineecast.

This time around we looked at a host of fun and quasi-intellectual movie related tidbits before digging in taking a good look at the new Brad Pitt film Moneyball. So have a listen to Episode 41 of The Matineecast and enjoy. If you like that, there’s plenty more from Ryan, aka “The Hatter”, at his wonderfully prolific site The Matinee. Stop by, read some reviews, listen to more podcasts and tell him I said hi. Oh by the way Hatter, er Ryan, looking forward to next time! Thanks again bud!!