• Movies/Entertainment,  Off the Shelf

    Film Community Potluck Series…'Top Secret!'

    For years I have heard great things about Top Secret! but for whatever reason just hadn’t seen it. Now thanks to the current round of movie recommendations at Anomalous Material (suggested by Dan) I have just knocked one hilarious 80’s gem of my “To See” list. A long time coming yes but this was definitely up my alley and in short is a spoof movie with few equals. To start off I must state that there’s two kinds of Val Kilmer out there. First is the ultra-talented method actor who is able to channel the likes of well anyone (e.g. Jim Morrison). Then there’s an equally charismatic Kilmer who, without trying, can…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Quick 5/Top 10

    Last Minute Spooks: G-S-T Plays Catch Up on Horror Films

    Much like others bloggers out there we at G-S-T are owning up to having huge gaps in our Horror vernacular. Well I guess having a blog means we need to get our act together and become well-versed in all avenues of film. So as sort of a companion piece to our 10 Flicks for Halloween, here’s our thoughts on 10 frightening films we’ve never seen before now. So with Halloween right around the corner was this exercise worth 20 hours of my life? Do these titles have any value or live up to the hype? Well I guess you’ll just have to read and find out…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Off the Shelf

    Film Community Potluck Series: 'Terribly Happy'

    Castor and Red at Anomalous Material have come up with an idea that is so brilliant and yet simple that I wish I had thought of it:) Taking the “book club” model and turning it into a “Netflix Recommendation Series”, all participants suggest a film then a Potluck drawing decides who watches what. A week later we reconvene to share our findings. See, told you it was simple. So for now my reviews of this week’s Potluck (FYI this series will be lumped into to my Off the Shelf Reviews thought these will be shorter). Set in Denmark, Copenhagen cop Robert (Jakob Cedergren) winds up in the remote and derelict town of Skarrild.…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Quick 5/Top 10

    G-S-T Quick 5 – Netflix Recommendations That Surprised Me…Round 1

    One of the thing I like about Netflix is their “Watch Instantly” feature. That way I can try a movie out with out waiting for the DVD to show up, so if it sucks, I haven’t wasted 2 days waiting for its arrival.  Anyway, after the successful viewing of Cashback (which I’ll write about below) I bought the compatible ROKU player (FYI: not a sales pitch) so I could transmit the signal to my TV. The also just released a workable disc for the Wii and both work fantastic!! So after some great viewings of films I would have otherwise never watched, I was so impressed with them after the…