Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

Sweet (Teaser) Trailer…'Men In Black 3'

“Here come the Men In Black” *clap clap*. Boy that takes you back, doesn’t it? Some would argue it’s been too long since the deligntfully lopsided chemistry of Agents J and K have graced the silver screen. Although, others would argue that’s because last time wasn’t exactly the duo’s finest effort…thanks in part to a rather lacking story. But hey this is America and we get three strikes right? Well, back again *clap clap* those “galaxy defenders”, comfortable dealing with all things odd and alien, can now add “time travel” to the experience portion of their CV. Behold, the first teaser trailer for Men In Black 3

A film always runs the risk of being more miss than hit by making time travel a major plot device. Yet there’s something undeniably enticing about seeing the MIB take on one of more tricky elements in the sci-fi Pantheon. I have to say I’m surprised and almost excited to see another MIB film (now with 2 times the Agent K) but I wonder if their time has passed? Guess we’ll find out right?

Starring Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin and more,  Sony and Columbia Pictures have slated Men in Black 3 (or MIIIB) for release next Memorial Day on May 25th, 2102. Let me ask you MIB fans…Anyone on board yet? Or do you need another trailer??


  • Andrew

    The only thing worth talking about in the trailer is Brolin’s dead-on Jones impression, but other than that I think the trailer’s a blank. I like the first movie, but the second was dead in the water and I have doubts about the franchises’ relevance today.

  • Anna

    Have to agree with Andrew on this one. Brolin is brilliant!

    Have to say I think MIB I is absolutely brilliant, quite underrated. Maybe it’s because it holds such a pivotal part in my childhood 😛

  • MarcC

    @Andrew…I thought the same thing. Do the MIB even matter these days? On the plus side, anything has to be better than the second one but as it is I’ll be going in pretty low expectations.

    @Anna…I’m right there with you on the nostalgia factor. But even rose covered glasses can’t make you like something if the product isn’t any good *cough, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull cough*