• Composer Series,  Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…David Wingo Trades Synths for Strings Composing Jeff Nichols’ ‘Loving’

    In what some consider the start of awards season, November gives us the release of Jeff Nichols’ incredibly moving story, Loving, (about Mildred and Richard Loving) featuring the original score by David Wingo, as well as a new original song, “Loving,” by Ben Nichols of the band Lucero. The seasoned composer has been active with his band Ola Podrida since 2006, releasing three acclaimed full-length albums, and touring the U.S. and Europe multiple times. But Wingo has also been racking up a number of distinctive and high profile scores to celebrated features directed by some of this century’s most sophisticated independent filmmakers. Loving marks the fourth time he and director Jeff Nichols have…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…’Your Highness’

    Now this is quite a change in the ever dynamic career of James Franco. He’s such a hot property (I still thought he would have made for a good Anakin Skywalker) and it doesn’t look like he’s slowing down anytime soon. Yet for as amazing and professional as his performance is being praised in Danny Boyles’ 127 Hours, he looks like he’s still comfortable having some fun and hamming up the scene. Here Franco stars alongside Danny McBride and Natalie Portman in David Gordon Green‘s follow up to Pineapple Express. There’s a lot of raunchy laughs to be had…Enjoy! While I didn’t mind Pineapple Express I didn’t love it either; it just…