• Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…Quentin Dupieux on Absurd Characters and Non-Linear Storytelling in ‘Smoking Causes Coughing’

    When people talk about oeuvres in film, they usually celebrate the rogue visionaries who change the landscape of cinema with each new feature. These are the kinds of filmmakers who are festival darlings and have some of the most unique tastes in the industry. One such creative is Quentin Dupieux and once you see his work, you’ll never be the same. I was a big fan of Wrong when it played at Fantastic Fest years ago. Well, like a fine wine he’s matured and in that time he’s taken his trademark style to the next level of absurdity. His latest is a farce about superheroes and there’s an inherent charm…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Drafthouse Films’ WRONG

    It doesn’t matter what side of the bed you wake up on when the alarm clock gets you up at 7:60 every morning. In Quentin Dupieux’s Wrong, everything in the main character Dolph Springer’s world is just that, and further a bizzare journey into the absurd. At nearly every corner of this dreamlike film there is a story line and likable characters somewhat reminiscent of the very off-kilter nature of Wristcutters: A Love Story and Dog Tooth topped off with Terry Gilliam’s surreal shooting style and sense of humor. Wrong is more than a bit askew but also funny, easily more accessible than Dupieux’s Rubber and is best described as being an odd delight. There’s an aloofness and complacency to the absurdity that…

  • Fantastic Fest,  Festivals,  Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    2012 Fantastic Fest Recap (Or How I Learned To Manage My Time At Such An Overwhelmingly Awesome Film Fest)

    This year was Go,See,Talk’s first time attending Fantastic Fest and I have to say it was everything they said it would be. Since I was only there for 4 days, I missed out on some later week fun like the secret screening of Cloud Atlas (with a supposedly awesome Q&A with the Wachowskis…UGGGG), but there was still lots to see and do and I got a lot of reviews/coverage under my belt. For such a great festival with a huge draw it’s amazing to see how quaint and laid back everything and everyone is. You can easily bump elbows in such small proximity with both filmmakers and actors but also the film…