Composer Series,  Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

Interview…Jason Graves on Scoring TV and Video Games Galore

In the world of music composition – whether it’s film, video games, TV or all three – there are plenty of people working very hard. They may not be household names like Williams or Elfman, but it doesn’t mean they are any less talented. And to stay in the game, nearly everyone penning music is downright prolific.

One of these unsung musicians is two-time BAFTA award winner Jason Graves. You may not recognize him at first, but we’re pretty sure you’ll know everything he’s ever touched: Magnum P.I., Hawaii Five-O, Tomb Raider, Far Cry, Friday the 13th, and that’s just the short list. 

Graves started playing music early on, and his passion and proficiency for the arts only intensified over the years. He studied at USC, under Elmer Bernstein if you can believe it, and he’s added incredible depth and texture to every one of his scoring projects.

We chatted with Graves for an hour and a half, and man, does he have some stories to tell! He’s also really good-natured, up for pretty much anything we ask him, and in all around a delight. Oh, he also lives about as far away from the grind of L.A. as you can get; his studio is comfortably tucked in the beautiful yet remote countryside of North Carolina.

So if you ever found yourself playing Dead Space, Order 1886, or Lone Echo and wondered, man, where does this brilliant music come from?!? Well, the answer is just two words: Jason Graves.

We again joined our good friend Bryan Kluger (of BoomStickComics) on his podcast to discuss the tons of work/hours that go into writing for TV and video games. Enjoy our show with this musical jack of all trades. 

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