• Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Calvary

    John Michael McDonagh’s film Calvary is a deeply emotional and moral character study that asks a lot of the audience. McDonagh, through the central character Father James (played by Brendan Gleeson), asks how (and why) would you continue to help others if, ultimately, they can be no help to you, especially in time of need. Beyond that, Father James learns, in a confessional booth no less, that his life is about to expire. His end will not be the cause of old age, or poor health, but murder. He even knows who will pull the trigger in a week’s time and so the film tells the story of the things he…

  • Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment,  Video Interviews

    Video Interview…’Calvary’ Writer/Director John Michael McDonagh

    This week we got to speak with writer/director John Michael McDonagh about Fox Searchlight’s Calvary. It’s a fascinating character study and a pensive thriller that plays like a modernized Western. Essentially, as you’ll learn, McDonagh ripped off High Noon, but he does a wonderful job reworking the bones of the classic film to make this compelling story. It’s a complex film that is not only suspenseful, and at times oddly hilarious, but it raises questions about a multitude of universal themes and beliefs not limited to religion alone. Also, don’t  be fooled by the header image. He may look like the baddie in any number of Guy Richie movies but…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Screenings

    ALL PASSES CLAIMED – Advance Screening Passes to ‘CALVARY’ in DALLAS, TX

    Attention: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED – All passes have been claimed. Thanks for your interest in Fox Searchlight Pictures’ CALVARY. ——————————————————————————————————————————— Go,See,Talk is partnering with Fox Searchlight Pictures to give Dallas area film fans FREE passes to a special “Advance Screening” of CALVARY starring Brendan Gleeson, Chris O’Dowd and Kelly Reilly. This screening will take place in DALLAS, TX on Wednesday, August 6th at 7:30 PM. So how do you claim/win them?? Simple. Click the poster above to get your ticket from the Fox Searchlight screenings website. Be advised, these passes are first-come, first-served so be one of the first people to register for your ticket and you may get to see CALVARY before it expands its limited release opens on August 8th.…