• Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…Director Martin Campbell on ‘Dirty Angels’ and Favorite Action Scenes of His Career

    Whenever we enter the holiday season, I tend to think of the many amazing opportunities the site has been offered over the years. It’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the release schedule, and I for one am so thankful for experiences on the press tours. And since 2011, we’ve spent time with numerous creative talents talking about their craft on projects big and small. Some are our heroes, others are bucket list gets, some may be totally new territory, but all are welcome. At the very least, they are fun and informative. At best, they have become industry friends with whom we’ve chatted on several…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…Liam Neeson in Martin Campbell’s ‘Memory’

    It’s so great that we’re continuing to see big films and action stars on the silver screen again. And one of the biggest out there is Liam Neeson. That got us thinking about something: just when did Mr. Neeson become a hard-hitting leading man? Well, off the top of my head, I like to think it was 30 plus years ago with one of the very first (successful) comic styled films playing – he played the lead in Sam Raimi‘s Darkman. But were you to scan his resume, you’d it see goes even further to titles like Next of Kin, The Bounty, Krull and even Excalibur which means that this…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Off the Shelf

    James Bond January – ’Casino Royale’

    The last of our entries in the James Bond January series, we’re ending with perhaps my second favorite Bond film. Here we find a young James finding his spy legs as the ink on his newly printed 007 business cards is still drying. In what is essentially an “origin story” (big trend in American cinema this past decade), a cocky Bond struggles on his first real mission to find the balance between the personal gains and his love of country. Moreover, he begins to sort out whether or not to heed his own moral compass or to carry out orders as MI6 would have him do. So, as this is our…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet (Teaser) Trailer…’Green Lantern’

    Well the hits just keep on coming don’t they? We thought two pretty sweet trailers in one day was enough. But as yesterday was just chock full of teaser/trailer goodness  it seems there’s more fun to be had this week. Most of you have probably seen the Entertainment Tonight “first look” clip and intriguing as it was, we now have something even better! Below we have this simply stunning trailer for Martin Campbell‘s Green Lantern film starring Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan/Green Lantern. This longer than normal teaser trailer (kind of like the Thor trailer released at Comic Con) really sets the stage for the big screen debut of another popular DC…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Sneak Peek…Green Lantern, Cars 2, Cowboys & Aliens and Pirates 4

    Calling all you film fans, have I got a mixed bag of awesome to start off your Monday! Let’s begin with something that dropped on Friday. Here we have a first look at Ryan Reynolds as the titular character in Martin Campbell‘s upcoming Green Lantern. This video should be a good amount of eye candy and even though the footage looks unfinished and out of context footage from the film. Not enough to sell me as of now but I do want to see more. Enjoy… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV1FQoEkXcI&feature=player_embedded Next up we have a beautiful screen shot image from the Pixar camp for their upcoming feature Cars 2 (plus you can click this…