
Announcement: Go,See,Talk Summer Blog-A-Thons (July-September) – UPDATED

Hello World, Marc here:

Hope everyone had a good weekend and those state side had a fun fulled 4th of July. I’ve had some thoughts on my mind about events that some of you may really enjoy. That said consider this an open invitation for everyone to participate in the 3 following Blog-A-Thons. Details after the jump…

  • First, on July 30th I’m doing something called “Double Feature Theater”. The idea here is that we all get to imagine ourselves as bona fide Theater owners. As such we set up (in one post) our schedule for a week’s worth of Double Features Mo-Su. The criteria is completely up to you to pair the movies be it actors, directors, a common theme, original/remake, you name it. Nothing is wrong and everything goes as it’s your theater. Start your post beginning what you’d show on Monday, a sentence or two of why or how they’re related and so on for the rest of your fictitious week. Only change is that on Sunday make it a Triple Feature. Be as creative or simple as you want. Just remember this is one post, not a weeks worth of posts.
  • Next, August 27th, I’m doing something called “Cool Off With The Classics”. This is essentially a Top 10 list of oldies but goldies; only catch here is that they have to be in black and white but they can be American, foreign, Criterion films etc. Try to stick to the 30s 40s and 50s (e.g. don’t pick Clerks just because it’s black and white:P). Just a fun list of classic films you’d watch to “beat the heat”. Think of the  ones you love or imagine the ones you’d watch visiting your grandparents or if you were channel surfing and landed on TMC (Turner Classic Movies)… Again 1 to 2 sentences of why you like it, maybe memories you have of it and that’s it. Anything goes as long as it’s black and white.
  • Finally, something off the wall but goofy fun I think. On OCTOBER 1st, I’ll feature “The R-Rated Lunch Box”. Since kids should all be back to school by then, it’s kind of a throwback goof on the lunchboxes we went to school with. You know, the plastic (or metal) ones that had the Thermos inside. Well instead of G.I. Joe, Care Bears, Voltron etc I’m propose we try to think of just 5 R-Rated movies that would be the most outlandish to put on the side of a lunch box. Something like The Human Centipede for example. Now I don’t know how this’ll turn out or if anyone is even interested, but for those of you who are I’m prepared to do a hefty amount of Photoshop to pull this all off. Just send me your 5 titles and I’ll put them all on lunch boxes and send the pictures right back to you for your post.

It’s a triple dose of blog-a-thons this Summer but something I think some you you will enjoy. Let me know if anyone is interested in any or all and I’ll keep you appraised of updates as well as banners. Feel free to spread the word to any of your friends or cineblogging buddies who might be interested in participating. Looking forward to having any and all on board for these!!


Here is the link and banner for the “Double Feature Theater” to include in your post:


Here is the link and banner for the “Cool Off With the Classics” to include in your post:


Here is the link and banner for the “The R-Rated LunchBox” to include in your post:



  • rtm

    Hi Marc, sorry I haven’t responded to your email. I might participate in the July one for Double Feature. I might break it down by genres. The thing is I’ll be on vacation in mid July so I’ll let you know if I can’t do it.

    • MarcC

      Well just let me know Ruth, love to have you on board but I understand if you can’t find time…getting tougher to post on my own site as it is:P

  • Anna

    I’m excited for these ! I’ll definitely join in for the Double Features at least : -) I’m super bad with dates … I so need to get a proper calendar.

    • MarcC

      Awesome, glad to have you on board! I’ll send out banners next week as well as when I need the shortlink from all participants.

  • Tom Clift

    Sounds awesome! I’ve always dreamed about being able to programme my own double features, so the first blogathon is especially exciting to me. I’ll do my very best to participate (although July 30th does fall right in the middle of the Melb Film Festival, so I’ll probably be pretty flat out).

    • MarcC

      Just let me know Tom. Yeah I know from covering the DIFF that a film fest can take up a good chunk of your time. But if not this one, then next time;)

    • MarcC

      If you don’t make it by Sat, just post when you can. Thanks for the interest…and welcome to G-S-T:)

    • MarcC

      Thanks a bunch for your interest! You’re in…welcome to the Blog-A-Thon. BTW, check your email.

    • MarcC

      Alan, ditto my comment to Dash above. But thanks to both of you for getting your lists together so fast. Wow, ask and you shall receive right:P

  • Alan

    I’ve been putting together a list for you for your August Blog-A-Thon. I’m nearly done, so when you’re ready, give me a holler and let me know what you’d like me to include on my post!

  • Sherry

    The August Blog-a-thon will be my first blog-a-thon I have ever participated in. So do I just email you when I have the post ready? Or put a link in the comment section?

  • Hels

    Hey Marc, I’d love to do the Classics, such a good idea 🙂 I’m moving over to WordPress building hopefully a more enjoyable film blog instead of my confused blogger. Would love to add this as my first ‘new blog’ post :p xx

    • MarcC

      Awesome, congrats on the move (WP is where the cool kids blog:P). Looking forward to seeing your site, thanks for being part of this. The post goes live this Saturday, let me know when you have the link and I’ll add you to the list.

  • Hels

    Hi Marc 😀 I’ll take your congrats and save them for next week – finishing the design didn’t happen at all this week but in the next seven days I will. I blame my cat, she’s been very sabotagy this week. I didn’t finish the blog earlier in the week cos I wasn’t sure if it was ok :p Am finishing now though – cheers Marc, will throw you the post link to my lame old blog in a minute x