
G-S-T makes the 'IMDb Hit List' Again…Wow!

Hello World, Marc Here:

When we started Go, See,Talk! we loved writing about the things we loved writing about: namely movies. While I try to keep my self from being a self-promoter, something happened that I just had to tell you all about.

Last December, our post “Does Nostalgia Make a Movie Better Than It Is?” was featured on the IMDb Hit List. While it was amazingly flattering to be featured on their site, I never thought it would happen again. Well, it seems the fates (or just the guys running the site) thought G-S-T had something else to offer the world and so today they are featuring another post I wrote called “Novel Adaptations: Or How I Stopped Worrying About Getting Everything On Screen”.  I guess lightning does strike twice…quick someone tell Marty McFly, I’m sure he’ll want to know about that:)

Anyway, I’m just geeking out about this and wanted to share it with all you readers…and if you don’t make it to IMDb today, here’s proof that we three at G-S-T were Kings for a day..make that a second day. Shameless self-promoter you say?…Nah.

I think it’s pretty cool to be on a list that also features the great writers at Cinematical. Makes me smile anyway:)