Hello World, Marc Here:
When we started Go, See,Talk! we loved writing about the things we loved writing about: namely movies. While I try to keep my self from being a self-promoter, something happened that I just had to tell you all about.
Last December, our post “Does Nostalgia Make a Movie Better Than It Is?” was featured on the IMDb Hit List. While it was amazingly flattering to be featured on their site, I never thought it would happen again. Well, it seems the fates (or just the guys running the site) thought G-S-T had something else to offer the world and so today they are featuring another post I wrote called “Novel Adaptations: Or How I Stopped Worrying About Getting Everything On Screen”. I guess lightning does strike twice…quick someone tell Marty McFly, I’m sure he’ll want to know about that:)
Anyway, I’m just geeking out about this and wanted to share it with all you readers…and if you don’t make it to IMDb today, here’s proof that we three at G-S-T were Kings for a day..make that a second day. Shameless self-promoter you say?…Nah.
I think it’s pretty cool to be on a list that also features the great writers at Cinematical. Makes me smile anyway:)
Ross McG
well done guys, im glad you did make it on there, cos it reminded me to finally get you guys in our blogroll. keep up the good work
Sweet, Thanks Ross!!…we’ll keep writing if you keep reading:)
Ah congrats ^^ Even though I don’t comment but I love reading your reviews
Keep up the good work!