Over the years, we’ve covered a lot of ground on the site. But one thing we’ve always aimed to do was a podcast. Well, after a lot of waiting we’re finally getting to it. As such, I am happy to have have our newest contributor, Federico Furzan, as my co-host (or RIO for all you naval aviators). I’m thinking of calling it ‘Two Os in Goose‘ because of my fondness for Top Gun, but Federico isn’t on board…yet.
For our inaugural episode, we covered a slew of topics, and we had a blast jumping all over the map. So much so that we lost track of time. That said, if you’re up for it, there’s nearly two hours of cinemababble waiting for you.
On the show we reviewed James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad (which we both LOVED!) and talked about what we’ve been watching. Beyond that, we discussed our thoughts on independent cinema and our fondness for physical media in a world where it’s going away.
Then we highlighted some of our personal cinema classics: Federico tips his hat to Abel Ferrara’s Body Snatchers and George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead while I throw some love to Billy Wilder’s Ace In the Hole and a surprisingly underrated Cary Grant gem, Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House.
Finally, in our “Composer Spotlight“, we waxed poetic about Daniel Hart and Johan Söderqvist who did wonders for A Ghost Story and Kon-Tiki respectively. You should check out both albums if you haven’t. They’re exceptional!

So grab your headphones, find your comfy chair, and come with us on a journey through time and space!