Gifted writer, movie lover and fellow Cowboy Bebop fanatic at Cut the Crap Movie Reviews has nominated we humble 3 at G-S-T for the coveted Kreativ Blogger Award! Our thanks and hats are off to you kind sir! Thanks for the complimentary words and the fact that you think of us even when not frequenting our site…you filthy little frequenter:P
As with anything you receive (chain letters, Christmas cards, a title loan) there’s hefty work in return for getting something so heartfelt and special.
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award. (Mr. Redmond, we’ve reviewed your file and it seems you’ve been leading two lives: one is a college student, and the other is the awesome editor of CTCMR where you go by the blogger alias “Aiden”. One of these may hold a future for you:P)
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog. (in triplicate, so take that all you one timers)
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award. (see above for linking glory!!)
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting. (see below for shameless boasting glory!!)
- I’ve been to Japan 3 times and laid down in the middle of the world’s busiest intersection (in Shibuya) every time!!
- Have been playing guitar for about 7 years.
- Despite the taboo surrounding office dating, I met my fiance at work and will be getting married in less than 3 weeks!
- Born in New Jersey (yay, Sinatra!), lived in Colorado, Connecticut, New York, Oklahoma, Texas…where will the future take me??
- Own nearly 500 DVD/Blu Ray titles in my “Off the Shelf” collection
- My brother goes to the same college I attended (Oklahoma State University) and will be my Best Man at my wedding.
- While G-S-T is almost 1 year old, Pete, Rob and I have known each other for a whole decade…”and we’re the three best friends that anyone can have!“
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers. (see below for well deserved praise fest…this is going to be tough since everyone I know has already been nominated)
- M.Carter at the Movies – Oh, what can I say about the Mighty Mer that hasn’t already been glorified and commented on a thousand times over? For starters, Mer takes her posts (and comments) so seriously she’s like the Daniel Day Lewis of blogging…only she’s a girl. Her blog showcases expertly crafted and extremely well written reviews plus the occasional foray into short film screen writing. Top of her game and all around blogging bad-ass!
- FlixChatter – Ruth’s posts are always 110%. The amount of time she invests in each post (not to mention the extreme level of detail there-in) would make you think she does this professionally. If there’s something I don’t know about a film, or some genre I have been missing out on, Ruth is there to tell me what I didn’t know I was always looking for…in film that is. Ease off boys, she’s married:)
- Cut the Crap Movie Reviews – Again with the reciprocation huh? Well, when I first read a CTCMR write-up I got the feeling I was actually in the theater watching the movie. His reviews will make you laugh, make you cry, make you think and he throws in the random curse word just to sell it that much better. With no end in sight, this guy feverishly reviews films faster than I can watch them. Oh, and he made a short film too…overachiever?
- The Dark of the Matinee – Hatter, like the rest of the above on this list, has probably been nominated enough times to count on both hands, but his posts are equally well written, and his comments (on a level way above flattering) are just as insightful and thought out as his reviews.
- The LAMB – My regards to Dylan and the bunch for not only maintaining a movie blog but also wrangling a bunch of hobby bloggers while creating a community where we can all live and play and post. Tis Zion without a cover charge.
- The Oatmeal – Recently got word of this site and not only are the posts obscure, deviously funny but (a rarity among the masses out there) gives you more than just a passing laugh or amusement. Whenever I need to be reminded of Grammar 101 and the P’s and Q’s of writing posts, I check out his handy “10 Words you need to stop Misspelling“
- I Watch Stuff – One of the very first blog sites I started reading to learn about movie news. Got that and a whole lot of witty sarcasm that to this day has my sides hurting with some of their funny, memorable and “pull no punches” comments/zingers. His sister sites ain’t too bad either if you want equally sarcastic takes on all things Geek Technology related and some high quality celebrity bashing to boot!
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate. (kind of a given)
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated. (Can do Skip!)
WOW!!! Let me be the first to thank you for this awesome honor, Marc! Just so you know, you’re one of the seven essential blogs I read regularly, so it’s all the sweeter when you get picked by those you look up to!! I really appreciate the blurb you wrote about me… this totally made my day. Thanks again!
Well you earned it, so keep up the awesome work!!
I forgot to ask… which one are you in the pic, Marc? I have a guess but just want to make sure. Btw, that’s cool that the three of you have been friends for so long, friendship really is a treasure no amount of money can buy!! Good for you and keep up the great work here as well!
I’m on the left, Rob is in the center and Pete is on the right. Yeah, tough to believe I’ve known anyone (besides my family) for over 10 years. It still feels like we were in college just yesterday. Oh, the good old days:)
M. Carter @ the Movies
“The Daniel-Day Lewis of blogging”? Holy crap!