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  • Movies/Entertainment,  Off the Shelf

    Off the Shelf…’The Fifth Estate’

    Bill Condon’s first post-Twilight film bites off more than it can chew, but it’s difficult to say whether that’s because of the subject matter – being the origins and rise of both Wikileaks and its controversial founder, Julian Assange – or because of the production’s unavoidable biopic bent; even at the tender age of only seven (which amounts to light years on the web), Wikileaks can already claim a rich, storied, complex history, so much so that two hours feels scarcely enough to scratch the surface of its conception or paint more than a sketch of Assange. So where, then, does The Fifth Estate go wrong? Like so many biopics,…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…The Fifth Estate

    Here’s the big question hanging over the head of The Fifth Estate: do we contextualize it based on content or structure? Bill Condon’s first post-Twilight film bites off more than it can chew, but it’s difficult to say whether that’s because of the subject matter – being the origins and rise of both Wikileaks and its controversial founder, Julian Assange – or because of the production’s unavoidable biopic bent; even at the tender age of only seven (which amounts to light years on the web), Wikileaks can already claim a rich, storied, complex history, so much so that two hours feels scarcely enough to scratch the surface of its conception…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    First Photo of Benedict Cumberbatch in 'The Fifth Estate'

    Permit me to take this opportunity to admit two things: that I’d totally forgotten about the existence of The Fifth Estate, and that I’m ill-acquainted with the work of Benedict Cumberbatch. I like the guy! Don’t get me wrong! But I’ve only made it through half of the first episode of Sherlock and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and Four Lions make for a really small sample size. Maybe, given that 2013 looks to be the year of the Cumberbatch, I should go back and watch The Other Boleyn Girl, re-watch Atonement, and catch up on Sherlock so I can join the legions of fans foaming at the mouth for the…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2

    Brace yourselves Twilight fans, it all comes down to this. No more brooding, no more long awkward affectionate stares or lip-biting. This final installment gives fans the climactic showdown between the Cullens and Volturi they’ve been patiently waiting for (well, kind of). Suffice to say nothing in the series has been more thrilling or satisfying than this. This final installment also finds Bella, with baby in tow, joining the Cullen clan in the way she believed herself born to live, as a full on vampire. There’s less focus on Bella’s former life (sorry fans no Anna Kendrick and co here) as the story moved with long strides to meet, head on, the Volturi…
