• Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…Director Tim Kirkby on Subtle Humor and Colorful Casting in ‘Last Looks’

    When it comes to entertainment, there’s a certain school of thought that things belong on boxes – the easier it is to identify something, the easier is it to understand and sell it. So we have genres. But when stories mix certain elements, and make bold choices, the narrative becomes stronger and keeps the audience on its toes. Case in point. When someone says “detective story”, one might think Sam Spade or Jake Gittes. Well what if you throw in eccentric characters, against type casting and pepper the whole affair with a certain British flair and some ’70s era pizazz? Now you’re getting something unique, entertaining and unexpected. So that…

  • Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…Justin Kurzel on the Madness and Magnificence of ‘True History of the Kelly Gang’

    One of the most remarkable films to be released this year is, without a doubt, True History of the Kelly Gang. Directed by Aussie filmmaker Justin Kurzel, and adapted from the book by Peter Carey, the film is an acting tour de force. Full stop. It’s also an amazing piece of filmmaking. Much like the film’s protagonist, anti-hero, outlaw, Kurzel makes his own rules. From the first frame everything about the production is bespoke. We liked the film quite a bit because it’s different, but you do need to get through it all to really appreciate it. It’s very Kubrickian in that there is nothing conventional about the story/characters, cinematography,…

  • What's New On Blu?

    “What’s New on Blu?” – Week of 10/14/13

    Whether you rent or buy movies, Blu-ray offers the ultimate in sight and sound. Streaming is convenient, but if you plan on watching the movie more than once, you need Blu. So, What’s New On Blu? you ask. Well, good, bad or indifferent, Go,See,Talk offers up a trio of titles that are being released each week. Check out what’s hitting the shelves this week… ——————————————————————————————————————————— When an alien attack threatens the Earth’s existence, giant robots piloted by humans are deployed to fight off the menace. Don’t let this short description of an incredible movie leave you wanting more. Check out Andrew’s review of Pacific Rim here. Blu-ray Release Date (U.S.):…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Pacific Rim

    Let’s begin this review on the bluntest note possible: Pacific Rim is the summer’s best blockbuster by several leagues. That may read as grotesquely biased coming from someone who grew up on Ultraman, Ray Harryhausen, and Toho films and discovered mecha anime titles in his college years; it probably doesn’t help my case that Guillermo del Toro happens to be one of my favorite contemporary filmmakers, either. But if my loyalty to del Toro and my passion for the kaiju films he has modeled so much of Pacific Rim after give me a clear dog in the seasonal fight for popcorn supremacy, my sentiment about his latest film remains as…