• Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…’Side by Side’ Documentary Writer/Director Chris Kenneally

    In writer/director Chris Kenneally‘s documentary Side by Side, he and Keanu Reeves take us on a tour of the past and the future of filmmaking. For the past 100 years photo-chemical film has been the gold standard in the industry. But over the past two decades, a new form of digital filmmaking has emerged, creating a groundbreaking evolution in the medium. Covering a multitude of angles and showing points of view from many people who have an instrumental hand in the filmmaking process, Kenneally and Reeves put their finger on the pulse of the digital movement and showcase a good cross section of opinions. They explore the development of cinema and the impact of…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Exploring The Digital Revolution – Clips From Keanu Reeves' Doc 'Side By Side'

    Keanu Reeves and Chris Kenneally’s upcoming documentary Side By Side chronicles the debate over the digital revolution in filmmaking. Essentially the duo ask an important question: Will film survive? In anticipation  of the release of the doc (stop what you’re doing and check out the trailer here), last week Tribeca.com began their month long series of posts which highlight some of the conversations recorded for the upcoming documentary. Leading up to its release, we film fans can see snippets of video interviews from the project. Essentially deleted scenes/outtakes these are brief but solid bits that just couldn’t make the final cut. Still there’s something to be gained from them and Tribeca will share these important and possibly divisive…