• Composer Series,  Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Exclusive: Interview…Nathan Johnson Talks Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Rian Johnson and the Musical Mojo of ‘Don Jon’

    A gifted musician in his own right, film composer Nathan Johnson creates such unique musical soundscapes for every movie, short film and project to which he’s attached. This year he composed the score to Don Jon, which is Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s modernized interpretation of the iconic thief of hearts. With a sound and style that’s so varied and diverse, Johnson’s scores have given such a unique atmosphere to films like Brick and Looper. We got to chat with Nathan about his work on Don Jon, his process working with different directors and so much more. Below are the highlights of our time with him. ———————————————————————————————————————————  – An interesting take on the fabled Don Juan DeMarco, Don Jon…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Don Jon

    Few stars working today enjoy the same degree of near-universal adulation as Joseph Gordon-Levitt, now nine years out after ending his acting hiatus and all grown up from his stint on TV sitcom 3rd Rock from the Sun.  His latest film, Don Jon, a modern riff on the licentious legend of classic literary anti-hero Don Juan, may best evince how far he’s come from his Tommy Solomon salad days; here, he not only serves as leading man, but as writer and director, tasks he’s previously taken on with short films (produced by and distributed through hitRECord, the studio he and his brother founded in 2004) but never with a feature-length effort.…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet 2nd Trailer…'Don Jon'

    What can’t Joseph Gordon-Levitt do? Since reasserting his focus on acting in 2004 with Mysterious Skin, the man has appeared in an impressive tally of films, ranging from indies (2005’s excellent Brick), to blockbusters (The Dark Knight Rises), to genre movies of several stripes (Looper, (500) Days of Summer), and he’s even founded hitRecord, an “online collaborative production company”. (Whatever the hell that means.) This year, he’s branched out even further by taking on directing and writing duties on Don Jon, in which he also stars as the title character. Guess he’s a student of da Vinci. Or, at the very least, Robert Lopez and Jeff Marx. Gordon-Levitt’s film is…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    G-S-T Trailer Roundup: Alien Conformity, Hot Guidos, & Psychotic Hobbits

    So many trailers, so little time. Truthfully, enough teasers and preview clips have dropped this week that I could fill out three different roundups and still have some leftovers; sometimes, studios just want to inundate the web with their collective chunks of promo footage. Marketing’s gotta market, after all. The good news is that there’s so much to choose from that sheer variety alone makes the effort of gathering and watching each spot worthwhile (and if there’s one thing we appreciate here at Go, See, Talk!, it’s variety). Comic book flicks, retro sci-fi throwbacks, gruesome horror remakes; even a concert movie made the cut here, and that’s saying something, since…