• Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Iron Man 2

    I saw Iron Man 2 this Saturday and it has taken me a few days to collect my thoughts. The reason for the delay is that I didn’t want the glee of seeing this year’s eagerly awaited big comic book behemoth to keep me from giving a fair assessment. Well all that well-intentioned crap aside, I really enjoyed this sequel. Being that it was a follow-up to an equally successful film, this got the green light to go big, and so it did. PREMISE: Billionaire Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), his identity no longer concealed from the world, faces pressure from the government, the press, and the public and receives tension and backlash…

  • Editorials,  Movies/Entertainment

    Does Viral Marketing Guarantee Cinematic Success?

    We’ve seen how well the viral marketing for The Dark Knight was executed.  The movie was the highest grossing film of 2008 and now sits at 3nd on the All Time Box Office Chart (under both of Cameron’s uber successful films), and for those of you who still didn’t notice, it raked in over 1 billion dollars when you add international box office receipts. TDK was already going to be a cash cow. It was the much-anticipated sequel to Batman Begins, which was done so well that the fans could count on a bigger, better sequel. So it certainly didn’t need more help than that to sell it. I think the news about the…