• Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…Director Tim Kirkby on Subtle Humor and Colorful Casting in ‘Last Looks’

    When it comes to entertainment, there’s a certain school of thought that things belong on boxes – the easier it is to identify something, the easier is it to understand and sell it. So we have genres. But when stories mix certain elements, and make bold choices, the narrative becomes stronger and keeps the audience on its toes. Case in point. When someone says “detective story”, one might think Sam Spade or Jake Gittes. Well what if you throw in eccentric characters, against type casting and pepper the whole affair with a certain British flair and some ’70s era pizazz? Now you’re getting something unique, entertaining and unexpected. So that…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…Mel Gibson as Chris Cringle in ‘Fatman’

    The Grindhouse revival has fallen off in the past several years, but that’s just what makes this trailer so surprising. It’s unexpected, outlandish, and a really inventive take on a mythic figure like Santa Claus. It’s always a laugh when genre films play with holidays (see Anna and the Apocalypse), and this looks to be jolly good fun…especially with him how serious they are taking it. The film might not have the legs for a full feature, but for a trailer it’s highly intriguing. I’m all in. Enjoy Mel Gibson and Walton Goggins in the trailer for Saban Films’ Fatman. To save his declining business, Chris Cringle (Mel Gibson), also…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…The Expendables 3

    Right out of the gates, The Expendables 3 aims to show audiences it means business. Not surprising that it’s less than a minute, a mere 54 seconds to be exact, before our heroes’ heavy hardware sends the first of many non-descript bad guys reeling. Like the nameless goon peppered with bullets (rubber bullets it seems from how toned down the action is) pain sets in for the audience as well. The “pain” comes not from groan-inducing dialog, or over-the-top action, but the brain cells struggling to comprehend the blur that is the next 125 minutes. Even with the starts and stops, this hokey 2-hour action fest whisks along which is one of a…

  • What's New On Blu?

    “What’s New on Blu?” – Week of 1/20/2014

    Whether you rent or buy movies, Blu-ray offers the ultimate in sight and sound. Streaming is convenient, but if you plan on watching the movie more than once, you need Blu. So, What’s New On Blu? you ask. Well, good, bad or indifferent, Go,See,Talk offers up some of the titles being released each week. Check out what’s hitting the shelves this week… ——————————————————————————————————————————— The Maersk Alabama became the first US cargo ship to be hijacked in 200 years when heavily armed Somalis boarded the vessel on the 8th of April 2009. As commander of the ship, Captain Richard Phillips inevitably found himself at the heart of events. Held hostage by the pirates…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Machete Kills

    In the pantheon of Grindhouse revival films, if there ever were such a place, Machete Kills should go down as one of its stupidest but also one of the most fun times you can have in 2013. Now all you Trejo/Rodriguez fans can sheath your machetes, the term stupid is used with immense love and respect for Rodriguez and company…but this film is simply ludicrous. It goes without saying that a film like this makes no effort to be realistic. How can it when it’s a cornucopia of all sorts of genre-themed oddities, including but not limited to ray guns, clones, wacky explosions/violence, Mel Gibson as a Bond-esqe villain and Charlie…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…’The Beaver’

    Mel Gibson isn’t the most loved celebrity right now and while he has more bad press and paparazzi problems than Lindsey Lohan, at least he can act himself out of a paper bag. So while he’s got some personal problems and they’re not really helping his public image, there is one golden rule in the entertainment world that applies no matter what: “Make one great film and the public will forgets all wrongdoing“…just look at Robert Downey Jr. That said, enter The Beaver, Mel’s latest fare from director and actor Jodie Foster. If you’ve seen posters or set photos in the past, you’ve probably been confused as to what it’s all about. Well dear friends, allow me…