• Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Exclusive: Interview…David Harbour Talks Hats, Homages, and Jim Hopper in Netflix’s ‘Stranger Things’

    We hope by now you have been able to check out the Netflix show, Stranger Things. An exceptional production, and even as a throwback yarn, it is far more than just the sum of its superficial ’80s parts. Aside from the story, and how expertly this is told, the characters truly grab you (check out our glowing review of it here). And if you’ve already seen it, you know all the hype is justified. Of the many things the show has going for it, acting is probably the most noteworthy. Top of that list of talking points is, without a doubt, seasoned character actor, David Harbour. You might not realize it right now,…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Off the Shelf

    Off the Netflix Queue…’Stranger Things’

    If you want one good example why television and long-format stories are continually trumping modern cinematic endeavors, look no further than The Duffer Brothers‘ Netflix series, Stranger Things. When thinking of all the positive and glowing attributes this tiny show encapsulates, it’s almost too much to put into words. The feelings and emotions you’ll have experiencing this exceptional show cannot easily be transcribed (hence this lengthy review). That may not make sense, but don’t worry about it too much; once you’ve seen the show, you will more than likely know what we mean. In just eight episodes, Stranger Things tells a perfectly paced story, replete with a wonderful ensemble cast…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Off the Shelf

    Off the Netflix Queue…'The Red Violin'

    Go,See,Talk is proud to present this Off the Shelf/Netflix Queue entry as the first post from our new contributing writer Jessica. She’ll be making more appearances on the site in the next few months and we’re glad to have her aboard. So enjoy her view and welcome her to G-S-T. I am drawn to films that are capable of introducing an audience to multiple story lines, and then carefully crafting them together so that these seemingly fragmented parts become one whole by the end. So when Netflix suggested The Red Violin, about the life of one mysterious violin and its many owners, I imagined this multi-narrative structure would likely be…

  • Editorials,  Movies/Entertainment

    Netflix Instant – Death Dealer to the Personal Video Library?

    They say that video killed the radio star, and frankly if it wasn’t true they wouldn’t have written a song about it right? Well friends, as per the news from last week, I guess in a few years time we might hear a tune touting how Netflix killed the video store…and I’m guessing a slew of film fans’ personal video libraries while they were at it. And while I’m not entirely sad to see Netflix take down Blockbuster I am a little mournful about the haymaker they’ve dealt to the mom-and-pop shops and even my own personal library. Headlines aside, it’s that last bit has actually been the inspiration for today’s’ editorial so lets get started shall…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Woah, Netflix and Starz Entertainment Part Ways

    As if news of the Netflix pricing increase (or jack if you ask me) wasn’t enough of a blow to loyal Netfilx customers, today’s news is another unexpected body blow. For those who have fallen in love with the Instant Feature, this will sadden you to hear that Starz (who is gives Netflix a huge portion of the Instant titles) has decided not to re-up the existing content deal. Translation: the 1,000+ movies offered in the Netflix Watch Instantly service will not be offered once the current contract expires in February 2012. Wow, talk about a hay-maker huh? For those interested have a look at the official press release after the jump:

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Off the Shelf

    Off the Netflix Queue…’Hunter Prey’

    What do you get when you mix a small ambitious idea for a sci-fi film with a budget that nearly allows its aspirations to play out? The slick and impressive film Hunter Prey that’s what. Unexpected simplicity combined with high quality visuals yields a product just short of magnificence (yeah this looks stunning in HD) that ranks high in wachability and replay value. Sandy Collora’s independent film just dazzles and delights and is so slick and imaginative you won’t be surprised if you find yourself asking, “who is this guy Collora and why hasn’t he been picked up yet??”

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Off the Shelf

    Film Community Potluck Series…'Top Secret!'

    For years I have heard great things about Top Secret! but for whatever reason just hadn’t seen it. Now thanks to the current round of movie recommendations at Anomalous Material (suggested by Dan) I have just knocked one hilarious 80’s gem of my “To See” list. A long time coming yes but this was definitely up my alley and in short is a spoof movie with few equals. To start off I must state that there’s two kinds of Val Kilmer out there. First is the ultra-talented method actor who is able to channel the likes of well anyone (e.g. Jim Morrison). Then there’s an equally charismatic Kilmer who, without trying, can…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Off the Shelf

    Film Community Potluck Series: ‘Outbreak’

    Next up in our Film Community Potluck series we have this little “scare you with science” flick from the 90’s. In a world where terrorism, unemployment and terrible economy abound, sometimes its what you can’t see that really give you chills. So just before Halloween here’s another flick (recommended by MoviesCrunch). Great, like there’s not enough to be scared of these days. Wolfgang Peterson’s big budget, star studded paranoia film does for disease what Spielberg did for sharks. Well, not to that extent but it certainly makes a case for getting a flu shot at the very least.

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Off the Shelf

    Film Community Potluck Series: 'Terribly Happy'

    Castor and Red at Anomalous Material have come up with an idea that is so brilliant and yet simple that I wish I had thought of it:) Taking the “book club” model and turning it into a “Netflix Recommendation Series”, all participants suggest a film then a Potluck drawing decides who watches what. A week later we reconvene to share our findings. See, told you it was simple. So for now my reviews of this week’s Potluck (FYI this series will be lumped into to my Off the Shelf Reviews thought these will be shorter). Set in Denmark, Copenhagen cop Robert (Jakob Cedergren) winds up in the remote and derelict town of Skarrild.…

  • Editorials,  Movies/Entertainment

    So What Will the Future of Home Media Look Like?

    The inspiration for this post comes from Dan with his great post on The Grim Future of Video Rental Stores. Check it out, it’s a great read! But his post got me thinking: If people continually stop going “out to get a rental“, or even purchase the film outright, what will happen to all present and future media, especially when the time comes for a new format war? Dan further asked a damn good question which was “will there be a need for a new format ten years from now?“. My answer is yes, and as a film fan I will take a guess at what the future of Home Media will look…