• Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Drafthouse Films’ Graceland

    Writer/director Ron Morales gives us a new spin on a familiar kidnapping yarn but tells a story that’s so believable and grounded you’d think it was a documentary. A superbly paced and intense flick, this is the kind of film we don’t get to see every day but would wish there were more of. In a world where we have films like Ransom and Taken, people walking out of Gracelandmight likely comment that Morales’ film is taken, er, taking its sweet time because this is a slow film. Yet that’s the point, it’s not about wiretaps, SWAT teams, a Tony Scott style of camera work, or an adrenaline-fueled rescue. Not at all. The focus of Morales’ film…

  • Fantastic Fest,  Festivals,  Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…’Graceland’ Writer/Director Ron Morales

    Writer/director Ron Morales’ Graceland is a gripping and all-too-real feeling story of a kidnapping gone wrong. Ron’s work is very limited but his sophomore feature Graceland is so well-crafted and engaging you’d think he’d culled this from a lifetime of working in the film business. Before making his debut film Santa Mesa (with Melissa Leo) Ron had been working in the industry (in the camera/electrical department and as a key grip) for about 13 years and it’s likely he’s picked up a more than a few things watching/working on high profile films like Spider-Man 3, Michael Clayton and The Departed. His passion project Graceland, shot entirely in his home country of the Philippines,…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…Drafthouse Films’ ‘Graceland’

    Ron Morales’ sobering and unflinching kidnapping film Graceland was a big hit at Fantastic Fest last year. After making the rounds at other festivals and winning fans along the way, this fine addition to the Filipino new wave is gearing up for its official theatrical release. The story of a father’s relentless quest to find and rescue his kidnapped daughter feels so scarily real you’d think you were watching the events in real time. Have a look at the newest trailer that was released on iTunes yesterday… Family man Marlon Villar is the longtime chauffeur of Manuel Chango, a notoriously corrupt Filipino politician. One day as he and his daughter accompany his boss’ preteen…

  • Fantastic Fest,  Festivals,  Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    2012 Fantastic Fest Recap (Or How I Learned To Manage My Time At Such An Overwhelmingly Awesome Film Fest)

    This year was Go,See,Talk’s first time attending Fantastic Fest and I have to say it was everything they said it would be. Since I was only there for 4 days, I missed out on some later week fun like the secret screening of Cloud Atlas (with a supposedly awesome Q&A with the Wachowskis…UGGGG), but there was still lots to see and do and I got a lot of reviews/coverage under my belt. For such a great festival with a huge draw it’s amazing to see how quaint and laid back everything and everyone is. You can easily bump elbows in such small proximity with both filmmakers and actors but also the film…