• Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment,  Video Interviews

    Video Interview…David Harbour on Hopper, Horror, and Big Hair in ‘Stranger Things’ Season 3

    For most of this year, we’ve been getting ready for the upcoming season of Stranger Things. We’re still more than a week away, but one thing that took our mind off the wait was the chance to speak with David Harbour. That’s right, Police Chief Jim Hopper himself was in Dallas as part of a press event to promote the show. While in the Big D, he was treated to some of the best baseball and BBQ we could offer. Hey, it’s the least we could do. Thanks, Dallas, for making David feel at home. He’s already a pretty laid-back guy (I spent close to an hour with him in…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    G-S-T TV: American Horror Story: Coven (3.2 – 3.5)

    Let’s play catch-up with Miss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies, shall we? In just a scant four episodes (maybe not so scant if Coven measures to the same length as its forebears in American Horror Story canon), Ryan Murphy has treated us to nearly as much weird sex, regional creepiness, and explicit gore as what Asylum offered viewers; this isn’t a season that’s had to struggle much to find any footing, even if the most recent episode felt a tad unfulfilling (Zoe’s delightful chainsaw rampage notwithstanding). That’s just what happens when you give your season a sense of balance instead of yanking it every which-way possible. So where are we, five weeks after…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…'The Walking Dead'

    Not many TV shows get my attention but this is one I really really want to see. AMC has been developing the adaptation of The Walking Dead comic series and the pilot episode has been helmed by Oscar Winner Frank Darabont (Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile). “What’s it with all the Zombies these days?” you might ask. Well, much like the demeanor of the walking dead themselves, Zombies never really went away (like Vampires did) and this looks to have WIN all over it. So if you haven’t seen this trailer for the new show (or weren’t at Comic-Con this year), sit back and enjoy… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg46DWI_fCE For those of you…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Stephen King's 'CELL' adaptation in the works…

    Well it’s good news, just in, from the good folks at Cinematical!  It looks like Stephen King’s novel, The Cell, will be coming to a screen near you (size and type of screen more likely your living room TV).  In the following link, Cinematical posts some more information, including this excerpt, about the adaptation being written in TV mini-series style much like King’s The Stand in the mid 90’s: Fangoria got out word today from the Fantasia Film Festival that Stephen King’s Cell is no longer destined for the silver screen. Instead the novel will be reborn as a four hour TV mini-series to be scripted by John Harrison. Details…