Welcome everyone to Go,See,Talk’s Double Feature Theater (or Theatre to our UK friends)!!
Who doesn’t love a good double feature? Even if one movie turns out crappy you still get a good flick under your belt right? In this Blog-A-Thon I have assigned each of our participants a theater of their very own and asked them to create a week’s worth of Double Features which begins on Monday and ends on Sunday. The bonus here is that on Sunday there’s a Triple Feature so it might allow for a more creative and interesting line up for the end of the week.
So with that said, dim the lights and enjoy the show!!!
Monday – Stand and Deliver / Cheaters
To cheat or not to cheat? That is the question? One film teaches you the virtues of studying hard and the benefits of perseverance burning the midnight oil. The other teaches us that sometimes if the system is stacked against you playing by the rules isn’t an option. Talk about a difficult moral lesson for Monday! Fine performances abound but in this double feature you get the added bonus of seeing the first film featured briefly in the second. It’s not that a scene was lifted but you’ll see what I mean.
Two-fer Tuesday – Goldfinger / OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies & Sherlock Holmes / Without a Clue
A double dose of mystery and international espionage is tonight’s main course. The world’s greatest spy and the world’s greatest spy spoof go head to head against a similarly brilliant detective and a brilliant re-imagining of said detective. The game is most certainly a foot!
Wednesday – Shaun of the Dead / Doghouse
Zombie films are a dime a dozen but unless your last name is Romero it takes a lot to distinguish yourself. Enter one Rom-Zom-com and an equally fun indie film that also has a laugh at itself. Brits always have the best humor and these are examples of comic fried gold from across the pond.
Thursday – The Iron Giant / The Incredibles
This one two punch of heartwarming family films comes from the mind of Pixar’s perpetual 9 year old…no not John Lasseter, these wonderfully inventive stories come from Brad Bird. Everyone pretty much knows The Incredibles but more and more people are learning about his equally charming earlier film about a boy and his alien robot.
Friday – Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World / Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
One is a realistic historical drama void of glamour and the other is a based on an amusemement park ride. Still both feature adventure on the high seas and two of the most likeable and memorable ship captains in all of film. Also two sea faring flicks who have their names punctuated via a colon:P
Saturday – Seven Samurai / 13 Assassins
Ok this one is going to be tough to make it through but the trip is totally worth it!! It’s near 6 hours of the finest Ronin battle films of all time with the bonus that Miike’s 13 Assassins being pretty much a love letter to Kurosawa’s masterpiece. Sigoy is right!!
Sunday’s Triple Feature Double Bonus –
“Paradox Aplenty” – Primer / The Time Machine / Back to the Future
Progressing from simplistic (and confusing) to fantastic and legendary, these three time machines have captivated audiences around the world and teach us the complexities and oddities that abound when travelling through the space-time continuum.
“Scary Faces” (aka the Midnight Matinee) – The Exorcist / The Thing / Dawn of the Dead
This trio of terror highlights not only some of the creepiest and beloved horror films but features some of the greatest effects work from the premier and legendary effects/make up artists of all time. Dick Smith, Rob Bottin, and Tom Savini make each of these films so convincing and iconic that after 6 hours of terror you’ll be glad when the sun comes up to say the least!!
Now what Blog-A-Thon would exist without a little help from our friends?? Click the links below and check out the week’s line up of all the other great cinebloggers participating in Double Feature Theater!!
Alex at Film Forager
Wynter at CinemaScream
Andy at Fandango Groovers
Iba at I Luv Cinema
Alexander at Boycotting Trends
Abby at Castles Quills and Cameras
Caroline at Let’s Go to the Movies
Nick of Cinema Romantico
Darren of The M0vie Blog
Hatter at The Dark of the Matinee
Dash at Love and Squalor Film
Alan at The Great Movie Project
Andrew at Encore’s World of Film
Toby at BlahBlahBlahGay
Tom at Movie Reviews by Tom Clift
Anna at Split Reel
Novia of Polychrome Interest
Ibetolis at By Kubrick’s Beard
Andrew at Andy Buckle’s Film Emporium
Kyle at Kyle’s Adventures in Pop Culture
Eric at The Warning Sign
Ruth at Flixchatter
If anyone is either still working on their post, or is late to the party and still wants to participate, it’s OK. Just send me a link whenever you get done and I’ll add you to the list.
Time travel theme: always good
Kevyn Knox
Ooooh — this looks fun. Wish I could participate but on holiday right now and only have random internet access until I get home early next week.
Maybe I will post a late entry when I get back.
Just let me know when you get the post finished and I’ll add you to the board:) Thanks and welcome to G-S-T!
blah blah blah toby
oops, got my timings wrong from perth. thought i was posting sunday am. timezones! gah! i’m posted now.
I will come to your theater on Wednesday and Saturday
I wish I can see Shaun in the big screen
Tom Clift
I know it’s a little late, but here are my double features!
I’ll e-mail mine to you in a bit, it needs a few finetunes wordpress is just making a mockery of me : – (
Niece job, thanks for organising this.
I’m there for all six on Sunday!
Glad to hear it…wanna share a jumbo popcorn and redbull? We;re gonna need it!
The Director
That was GREAT! And haha, I almost did the Master and Commander/Pirates mix but opted for another pair instead.

Awesome mix of movies (and to be honest I hadn’t heard of half of them. Now I have a slew of films to watch- in pairs, of course!)
Thanks Abby! You’ve got your homework. Enjoy!:)
Mad Hatter
Canadians also spell it “theatre” by the by…but then we’re a British Commonwealth.
Great job here Marc – LOTS of participation! Kudos!!
Rather surprised by it all. Thanks immensely for participating Hatter!
Just have to say I LOVE this blogathon and had so much fun coming up with double feature ideas! I really dig your picks and themes, especially the samurai battle day and Brad Bird day! Your Sunday is absolutely amazing, I’m there for everything. And OSS 117 came close to making my list too (that movie is the BEST) but I couldn’t think of something good enough to pair it with. I haven’t seen GOLDFINGER but maybe I’ll try that as a double feature one day!
Thanks for organizing this!
Thanks…superb comment Alex *gushes* and so glad to have had you on board for this:)
Wow, for as versed in film as you are I thought you’d have the more mainstay 007 flick covered. Well consider it a treat that awaits you:) And glad to know of another OSS 117 fan!!
blah blah blah toby
kudos to you marc, this was so much fun to be a part of.
Andrew Buckle
Mine is very late, but here is my hasty submission for the Double Features Blog-a-thon! Great idea Marc!
Wynter Tyson / CinemaScream
My link is now working! – great work Marc.
Any chance I can get in on this? I just love these kind of meme’s. I’ve been working through the rest of the list and I would like to add my own.
Here’s the link
The more I read peoples’ picks the more I think if I’d been involved in this I probably would have just done a time travel theme everyday, ha! I might be a little obsessed…
p.s. I forgot to say last time – here in UK I usually here people call it just cinema. Or arthouse if they’re pretentious, ho hum
Funny you say that because I really had to narrow down my time travel choices. I really wanted to include TimeCrimes, Triangle, The Time Flyer and more.
Preaching to the choir Marc, although I haven’t seen TimeCrimes – it’s now next on my movie night list
Brilliant blogathon dude, congrats x
Thanks for organizing this, my friend. I had a great time. I’m most intrigued by Wednesday because, frankly, I haven’t heard of Doghouse. I want to see it now.
If you like Shaun, then Doghouse should be right up your alley…just expect a bit more B-grade film.
Andrew K.
I love the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN/ MASTER and COMMANDER match-up the most. In the face of LoTR sometimes I forget that 2003 was a good year for the movies.
Yeah that was a hard time. In fact I had trouble narrowing it down to just one film for Andy’s Blog-A-Thon A Life in Movies. So much great cinema that I didn’t feel guilty movie hopping:P
Awesome idea, Marc. Sorry mine will be late, busy weekend for me so I had no time to work on it. It’ll be fun to check out the others though, thanks for organizing.
I am slightly gutted that I have been too busy to get involved with this one. Sorry Marc!!
Hey Custard, we should do it this weekend, so we’ll be fashionably late together
Come on guys, you know you want to, would love to see you lists.
That my lady is a cracking plan!!
@ Andy – yes I wanted to but I’m so behind on my posts, life often gets in the way of blogging, yknow
So ok Custie, I’ll DM you (via Twitter) when I’ll post it so we’ll try to do it at the same time across the pond ok?
Same for you Ruth:)
Hey C, no rush. Just glad you’re interested. I’ll add you whenever you get it finished.
I have done a bit of a follow up to Double Feature Theatre, take a look here
Ohhh, great idea…or should I say good idea Novia!! Been out of town pretty much since Saturday (day of the event, go figure right?) and am now just making my rounds. Really happy and surprised by the turn out!!!!
Thanks for hosting this, I had fun putting this list together. I’m already working on ideas for your Cooling Off With the Classics.
Awesome, looks like you might be ahead of me in getting my list together…you overachiever you:)
I kind of just stumbled upon this, but I couldn’t resist doing one myself (hope that’s alright). Take a look, if you’d be so kind.
No prob Kyle, the more the merrier…like your list (Psycho and Halloween was a nice touch). Got you in with the rest of the participants..and welcome to G-S-T!
Glad to be here!
Oh, and also let me join the masses in saying that the Time Travel Triple Feature is genius.
Love the way you end the week. After that triple bill I think I’d need some kind of therapy!
Shaun of the Dead and Doghouse make a neat little double feature of British comic-horror.
Oh, I have Without a Clue on DVD but have yet to see it. I must dig it out.
Without a Clue is brilliant albeit slow at times. Seems to run out of steam towards the end but the first 30 mins are sensational and I love Caine’s humor and dry wit.
Don’t know many people who have seen Doghouse let alone know what it is, but I enjoy i it. Glad you like the pairing!
Hi Marc, I am late to this party, but I couldn’t help but join in after seeing everyone else’s posts. Here is a link to mine:
Love your selections, by the way, especially Saturday’s double feature. Probably my two favorite samurai films — it would be fun to see them back-to-back.