Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

Interview…Andy Timmons: The World’s Smoothest Guitarist

This year has been a great year for us in terms of interviews. We consider ourselves lucky to be able to talk with so many people we admire, and we’re constantly surprised by the stories our guests share. So before we get started, here’s a question for all you music fans: Who’s your favorite guitarist? The answers will vary for sure, but there are some usual suspects – Clapton, Vai, Slash, Johnson, Mars, Vaughn, etc.

Today’s interview is focused on someone who leads the pack because of his playing style, his versatility, but also his consistency. Andy Timmons has a ton of fans, and one thing you’ll see among all of the Internet praise and positive YouTube comments is that people are really taken with his tone.

To be perfectly honest, our knowledge of the world’s six string dynamos only goes so far, and we were quite unfamiliar with Andy’s work. But very soon we found ourselves down the rabbit hole of Danger Danger, his jazz work and those mind-blowing playing abilities. So what’s a good place to start? Well, I’d suggest “That Was Then, This Is Now”. I promise that you’ll find this on constant rotation and have a different experience each time you listen to it. He’s also got a new album. It’s earthy, funky and bluesy, so check it out below.

Every musician has a style that works for them, and while solo guitar seems to be everywhere, few do it better than Andy (as evidenced by his signature gear, pedals, guitars, and more). This silky smooth music man and legendary shredder is a true guitarist’s guitarist. The Electric Gypsy is also extremely down to earth, very gracious with his time, and a hell of a nice guy.

Before we begin, I’d like to note that this interview was teed up by Kip Winger the night of their concert in Dallas this past July. While he’s not officially a Texas boy, Andy has found a home here for close to 30 years, and that makes him A-OK in our book.

The best we can add to all of this is probably what Reb Beach told us the night of the concert: “Andy is my favorite guitarist!” So, grab your headphones and enjoy this episode of The GoSeeTalk Podcast Experience. It won’t be long before you find yourself in absolute agreement with Reb!

Andy gave us so much great content, but that isn’t even the tip of the iceberg. For more info on this musical maestro, click over to his official website, follow him on Instagram or go down the rabbit hole on YouTube on his channel. And we will catch you next time!