Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

Interview…Producer/Director Natalie Metzger on Film, Fun and Charting Her Own Course

When you meet someone who is passionate about their work, you tend to see them coming a mile away. Two very good examples are writer/director/producer Natalie Metzger and her husband/producing partner Matt Miller who founded Vanishing Angle. Their production company nurtures the freshest voices in the independent film community with award-winning films and series, taking projects from script through distribution.

We first got to meet them at Fantastic Fest in 2022 and were blown away by their unsettling family drama, Spoonful Of Sugar. We knew we needed to keep any eye out for anything they did in the future. And they’re also a super fun team to chat with. Today, we loop back with Metzger to see what’s happened in the last 12 months. Spoiler: A LOT. Between touring three short films, and the crowd-pleasing Yogi Berra documentary, and being a new mom, you wonder when she comes up for air.

It’s one thing to be all-in on a project during the early phases, or when it starts materializing. But once something is ready to share/distribute that can be the most energizing. You would think that the amount of outreach, time spent on set, and all the other industry responsibilities would slow Metzger down. Nope. That only fuels her drive.

Now Vanishing Angle is not just a dynamite filmmaking outfit; they also support and build up a bullpen of young and hungry creatives. Their team is open to new ideas and visionaries and give many hopefuls a platform to both workshop their ideas and perform at the level consistent with big studios.

Part of the interview today is about the trio of Vanishing Angle short films making waves on the festival circuit. And they couldn’t be any more different which is good because they won’t compete against each other, and they should garner a diverse fan base. Here are the log lines of the three shorts and link to them on IMDb…

SLEEP STUDY – A restless new mother confronts a dangerous terror whenever she tries to sleep.

SHADOW BROTH SUNDAY – An unlucky musician returns back home on the day of his younger brother’s movie premiere to steal and sell his computer to the paparazzi.

POOF – Ruby and Paula are gearing up to be their own bosses through multi-level success magnet FYZZLE Cosmetics when a small dog, a medium amount of blood, and a box of loose powder conspire against them.

The team at Vanishing Angle make films for fans because they are fans, and they’re really good at giving us what we want. Likened to an older sibling showing you things way before you’re ready for them, their team will help you cultivate pretty respectable taste in films, and surprise you at almost every turn. They are certainly on a roll.

At any given time, Natalie’s got a number of things in-development and up in the air. How she handles that is a professional secret, but it has a little but to do with the fact she loves what she and her husband do. The team has some great projects on the horizon as well as a number of outstanding and celebrated features, shorts and a documentary that have plenty of people talking. But one of the best attributes of the ten year old company is how they give back to the community.

The aptly titled “Fun Lab” is a weekly creative huddle up to let working professionals discuss their current project, writers, directors, and more discuss/critique shorts, pilots, screenplays all in hopes of making it better with another pair of equally passionate eyes. Even the tag line in Natalie’s email signature shows how hopeful her pursuits can be – either personal or as a group. Seeing “Onward together” should charm anyone lucky enough to be in touch with members of this devoted team.

As talented as she is charismatic, it is always a treat chatting with Natalie. So without further delay, enjoy this thoroughly enjoyable chat with Natalie Metzger.