• Composer Series,  Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…Composer Reinhold Heil Discusses Scoring Helix for Syfy

    Reinhold Heil is a German-born, L.A.-based Golden Globe nominated film and television composer. Prior to Reinhold’s career as a film composer, he was well known throughout Germany and Europe for his monster synth chops. At 21, he became a fixture in the Berlin music scene as the keyboardist of a popular jazz funk fusion band, marrying jazz, rock, and electronica into a sound all his own. Soon after, Reinhold toured Europe as the keyboardist, co-producer, and co-writer of the legendary German punk band The Nina Hagen Band and later Spliff, one of Germany’s most popular rock bands of the 1980s. Reinhold was also a prolific music producer. “99 Luftballoons,” which…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Look…First Clip from ‘Smoke and Mirrors: The Story of Tom Savini’

    To anyone who knows anything about horror films (both campy or iconic) Tom Savini is more than a special effects icon. He is a bona fide superstar. Sure you’ve seen his face in From Dusk Till Dawn and Dawn of the Dead, but his real talent lies behind the camera creating the legendary effects in films like Day of the Dead and Friday the 13th to name but a few. So, while we just love talking about Tom’s work, there’s a new documentary on the horizon devoted to the man of the hour and that’s got us excited. The film, titled Smoke and Mirrors: The Story of Tom Savini, chronicles his…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Hauling Ass Or Dragging Foot: The Great Zombie Debate

    Halloween is fast approaching and as this time of year is ripe with ghosts, goblins and all things goulish I thought it’d be appropriate to take a look at everyone’s favorite undead manace – The Zombie. As everyone knows there are two types: the slow moving Zombie (SMZ) or the Olympic sprinter Zombie (OSZ). If ever anyone asked, “What kind of Zombie is best?” I’m sure the debate would go on for quite some time as there are tons of fans in each camp that are steadfast in their opinion preferring one over the other.

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Quick 5/Top 10

    G-S-T Top 10 – Flicks for Halloween

    While the “Horror genre” is not my cup of tea, there are some films that I really enjoy watching. They are well done and really scare the crap out of me which is just what you’d want from a Halloween flick right? It’s not that I like horror films but each of these on this list have a quality content which puts them (severed) “head and shoulders” above the predictable, stereotypical and disposable slasher flicks. This time of year, I enjoy watching these films to get me in the Halloween mood. So to get us in the spirit for All Hallow’s Eve, I thought share my suggestions (in no particular…

  • Festivals,  Movies/Entertainment,  Texas Frightmare Weekend

    Texas Frightmare Weekend 2010

    Hello World, Marc Here: While I would like to state that this post will provide extensive coverage of the 5th Annual Texas Frightmare Weekend, alas that would be a lie. We at Go, See,Talk have far too little time and money to devote to a festival/convention, no matter how awesome it may be. That said, I write to you as a humble festival goer who (along with the mass of people and some pretty cool fans I met in lines) felt like he was going to film church:) TFM ran from Friday April 30th until Sunday May 2nd and for all 3 days it was like Halloween come early I can…

  • Editorials,  Movies/Entertainment

    Sorry Romero, the "Zombie Genre" Has Gotten Flawed

    Over the past few weeks I have been becoming re-acquainted with my favorite zombie films. My personal un-holy trinity of “zead” flicks has to be the original Night of the Living Dead, the Zack Snyder remake of Dawn of the Dead and Edgar Wright’s Shaun of the Dead. The three together showcase the simultaneous fun/fear factor of Zombie films, the advancements (and liberties taken) in the genre and they each have something for nearly every fan, both casual and die-hard. As much fun as the films are, I thought I’d bring to light some nagging problems I have with my guilty pleasure, namely signature elements of entire zombie movie genre itself. Recall if you will,…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…’The Crazies’

    Ask anyone who’s a film fan and they’ll tell you that George A. Romero gets credited with starting the zombie genre.  Although zombie films are my guilty pleasure, his sequels are starting to get a little thin and tired but it’s awesome to how his films have inspired the likes of other “zead” aficionados like Simon Pegg and Ruben Fleischer.  One (supposedly) flattering thing about the generation of people he’s influenced is that his films seem fit for a re-imagining by up and coming filmmakers. In 2004 Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen) remade Dawn of the Dead to great success, not only launching his career but very properly paying homage to Romero. Well, following suit is…