• Movies/Entertainment,  Screenings

    ALL PASSES CLAIMED – Advance Screening Passes to Netflix’s ‘BRIGHT’ in DALLAS, TX

    Attention: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED – All passes have been claimed. Go,See,Talk is partnering with NETFLIX to give film fans FREE passes to a special Advance Screening of David Ayer’s BRIGHT starring Will Smith. Click the poster below and claim your ticket directly from the GoFoBo website!! ***Note: Use the following promotional link on the ticket page: BrightGST This screening will take place on December 21 at 7:30 PM These passes are first-come, first-served so be one of the first people to register for your ticket. BRIGHT will release on NETFLIX on December 22, but you can see it on the BIG SCREEN for free the evening of the 21st. Finally, as always, the…

  • Composer Series,  Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…David Wingo Trades Synths for Strings Composing Jeff Nichols’ ‘Loving’

    In what some consider the start of awards season, November gives us the release of Jeff Nichols’ incredibly moving story, Loving, (about Mildred and Richard Loving) featuring the original score by David Wingo, as well as a new original song, “Loving,” by Ben Nichols of the band Lucero. The seasoned composer has been active with his band Ola Podrida since 2006, releasing three acclaimed full-length albums, and touring the U.S. and Europe multiple times. But Wingo has also been racking up a number of distinctive and high profile scores to celebrated features directed by some of this century’s most sophisticated independent filmmakers. Loving marks the fourth time he and director Jeff Nichols have…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Midnight Special

    When it comes to Jeff Nichols, the man knows how to keep you in suspense while teetering on the edge of boredom. That’s meant to be a compliment, not an insult, but the banality, or better, normalcy in his films help ground both the protagonist and the viewer in the real world. A combination of roughly 85% practicality, and a very alluring 15% sci-fi, he repeatedly succeeds in these dream-like narratives because his stories draw on viewers’ imaginations and really hit home on an emotional level. Midnight Special, an homage as much as it is a stylized throwback, is light and fast, and gets the job done with nothing more…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Exodus: Gods and Kings

    If you’re heading to see Exodus: Gods and Kings, you’d do well to remember one thing. Just because this is from the man behind Gladiator, does not mean this is going to be like Gladiator. That’s a misconception. After all, this is one of the most famous stories from the Bible, so you have to know what you’re getting into. It’s not a sword and sandal pic. In fact, it’s mostly just sandals with the distinction that it’s Ridley Scott behind the camera of this religious epic. This review is not an argument for or against the film. There really is nothing wrong with Scott’s picture except for the expectations the…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Screenings

    ALL PASSES CLAIMED – Advance Screening Passes to ‘EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS’ in DALLAS, TX

    Attention: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED – All passes have been claimed. Thanks for your interest. ——————————————————————————————————————————— Go,See,Talk is partnering with 20th Century Fox to give film fans FREE passes to a special “Advance Screening” of EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS  starring Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, and Ben Kingsley. This screening will take place in DALLAS, TX on Thursday, December 11th at 7:00 PM So how do you claim/win them?? Simple. Click the poster above and claim your ticket directly from the GoFoBo website!! These passes are first-come, first-served so be one of the first people to register for your ticket and you may get to see EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS  before it opens on December 12th. Finally, as always, the ticket is not an assigned seat,…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Screenings

    ALL PASSES CLAIMED – Advance Screening Passes to ‘EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS’ in AUSTIN, TX

    Attention: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED – All passes have been claimed. Thanks for your interest. ——————————————————————————————————————————— Go,See,Talk is partnering with 20th Century Fox to give film fans FREE passes to a special “Advance Screening” of EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS  starring Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, and Ben Kingsley. This screening will take place in AUSTIN, TX on Thursday, December 11th at 7:00 PM So how do you claim/win them?? Simple. Click the poster above and claim your ticket directly from the GoFoBo website!! These passes are first-come, first-served so be one of the first people to register for your ticket and you may get to see EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS  before it opens on December 12th. Finally, as always, the ticket is not an assigned seat,…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…Ridley Scott’s ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’

    It’s been a while since a Ridley Scott film has graced the silver screen. However it’s been even longer said screen has shown with a story that audiences have taken to as much as the films from his glory days. His ‘period piece’ films seem to be more miss than hit these days but the man can handle an epic that’s for sure. In fact we’ll even go so far as to defend Kingdom of Heaven (though the Director’s Cut is by far the superior effort) as one of Scott’s best works. In his latest film, Exodus: Gods and Kings, Scott puts his spin on the story of Moses as he…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  What's New On Blu?

    “What’s New on Blu?” – Week of 08/26/13

    Whether you rent or buy movies, Blu-ray offers the ultimate in sight and sound. Streaming is convenient, but if you plan on watching the movie more than once, you need Blu. So, What’s New On Blu? you ask. Well, good, bad or indifferent, Go,See,Talk offers up a trio of titles that are being released each week. Check out what’s hitting the shelves this Tuesday… ——————————————————————————————————————————— A pair of knucklehead bodybuilders in Florida get caught up in an extortion ring and a kidnapping scheme that goes terribly wrong. For a breakdown of Pain & Gain, check out Andrew’s review here. Blu-ray Release Date (U.S.): Tuesday, August 27, 2013. ——————————————————————————————————————————— An adaptation…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…The Great Gatsby

    High school students of today can breathe a sigh of relief: rather than bother reading F. Scott Fitzgerald’s iconic literary portrait of the Roaring Twenties, The Great Gatsby, they can simply head to the multiplex to have all of its themes and meanings pounded into their skulls for two hours courtesy of Baz Luhrmann. On the surface, which happens to be the only layer his adaptation concerns itself with, Luhrmann has taken everything about Fitzgerald’s novel and distilled it down to its most fundamental truths, and transposed those truths onto film in the most recklessly over-the-top ways possible. Here, disdain for excess is conveyed with the utmost of excesses and…

  • What's New On Blu?

    “What’s New on Blu?” – Week of 03/18/13

    Whether you rent or buy movies, Blu-ray offers the ultimate in sight and sound. Streaming is convenient, but if you plan on watching the movie more than once, you need Blu. So, What’s New On Blu? you ask. Well, good, bad or indifferent, Go,See,Talk offers up a trio of titles that are being released each week. Check out what’s hitting the shelves this Tuesday… ——————————————————————————————————————————— A chronicle of the decade-long hunt for al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden after the 9/11 attacks, and his death at the hands of the Navy SEAL Team 6 in May, 2011.  Zero Dark Thirty is an incredible film and is a must own on…