• Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…’The Matrix Resurrections’

    For a film franchise that broke all the rules and changed the entire entertainment industry, one might expect subsequent adventures down the rabbit hole would be welcomed, mind-bending yarns. But alas – system failure – The Matrix Resurrections sports no significant advancements in this upgraded sequel. We’ll get that out of the way up front as it’s probably the worst part about plugging back into the beloved series. So dig in, this is going to take a while. Often times, sequels are all about familiarity and there is a certain comfort when expectations are met. So while Lana Wachowski is never content to do the same thing, she wanted this…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    ‘Bill & Ted Face the Music’ Composer to Give Series A Tune Up

    Next month, the long-awaited (and even longer teased) third leg of the Bill & Ted franchise will be released. The trailer looks to deliver the goods, and in this crazy pandemic-affected year, it will be great to have some much-needed levity and escapism. Part of what makes the series so enjoyable (aside from the chemistry of the leads) is the music. In the upcoming film, the famous duo is still trying to write the song that will unite the world. Some would have guessed that it was KISS’ “God Gave Rock ‘N’ Roll To You II” which played in the finale to 1991’s Bogus Journey. But in the efforts of…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…’Bill & Ted Face the Music’

    Whoa. The wait is finally over. Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter are back, and star in the first official trailer for Bill & Ted Face the Music! Can’t believe this is almost upon us, but in these crazy times I think we need a feel-good type of film that picks us up and rocks our world. This sequel is directed by Dean Parisot (Galaxy Quest) and the score will be composed by Mark Isham – two equally triumphant dudes. Remember: Be excellent to each other annnd Party on, dudes! Once told they’d save the universe during a time-traveling adventure, 2 would-be rockers from San Dimas, California find themselves as middle-aged…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Screenings

    ALL PASSES CLAIMED – Advance Screening Passes to ‘JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2’ in AUSTIN, TX

    Attention: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED – All passes have been claimed. ——————————————————————————————————————————— Go,See,Talk is partnering with Lionsgate to give film fans FREE passes to a special Advance Screening of JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2. Click the poster below and claim your ticket directly from the Movie Landing website!! ***Note: Use the following promotional link on the ticket page: JW2GST This screening will take place on February 7 at 7:30 PM These passes are first-come, first-served so be one of the first people to register for your ticket and you may get to see JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2 before it opens on February 10. Finally, as always, the ticket is not an assigned seat,…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Screenings

    Sweet Trailer…’John Wick: Chapter 2′

    Some stars get better with age, and while Keanu Reeves has been, more or less, an action star since the ’90s, he’s one of the latest to join the ‘older man ripping shit up‘ club. If you haven’t seen the first John Wick, stop what you’re doing and spend two hours in el mundo de Wick…you’ll thank me. As of this Thanksgiving, my 71 year old father told me that John Wick is one of the best movies he’s ever seen. And that’s some high praise. I mean, who can argue with the man who introduced me to the world of cinema? So, behold, the trailer for the follow up…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…Keanu Reeves' 'Man of Tai Chi'

    We’ve heard about Keanu Reeves‘ pet project Man of Tai Chi for a while now but aside from a few set shots (and news about the film’s cutting edge camera work) very little production news has surfaced. This weekend the first trailer for the film dropped and while the quality isn’t that great it still raises eyebrows and pulses. From the looks of it Man of Tai Chi will be about a martial arts tournament set in Beijing and stars Tiger Chen (veteran stuntman). The plot is very vague as IMDb only gives us this bit of info: “In Beijing, a young martial artist’s skill places him in position to…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Side By Side

    For over 100 years photo chemical film has been the gold standard in the film industry. But in the last two decades the advent and advances in digital technology have offered filmmakers a cheaper, easier and sometimes better alternative as a means to capture images and tell stories. In Side by Side, Keanu Reeves and writer/director Chris Kenneally put their finger on the pulse film world and explore the levels to which digital capture technology has created a paradigm shift across the world. From directors, to colorists, to editors etc, no trade is unaffected by this change in the medium. Is this the end of film? Well, it’s not a clear cut answer…

  • Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…’Side by Side’ Documentary Writer/Director Chris Kenneally

    In writer/director Chris Kenneally‘s documentary Side by Side, he and Keanu Reeves take us on a tour of the past and the future of filmmaking. For the past 100 years photo-chemical film has been the gold standard in the industry. But over the past two decades, a new form of digital filmmaking has emerged, creating a groundbreaking evolution in the medium. Covering a multitude of angles and showing points of view from many people who have an instrumental hand in the filmmaking process, Kenneally and Reeves put their finger on the pulse of the digital movement and showcase a good cross section of opinions. They explore the development of cinema and the impact of…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Exploring The Digital Revolution – Clips From Keanu Reeves' Doc 'Side By Side'

    Keanu Reeves and Chris Kenneally’s upcoming documentary Side By Side chronicles the debate over the digital revolution in filmmaking. Essentially the duo ask an important question: Will film survive? In anticipation  of the release of the doc (stop what you’re doing and check out the trailer here), last week Tribeca.com began their month long series of posts which highlight some of the conversations recorded for the upcoming documentary. Leading up to its release, we film fans can see snippets of video interviews from the project. Essentially deleted scenes/outtakes these are brief but solid bits that just couldn’t make the final cut. Still there’s something to be gained from them and Tribeca will share these important and possibly divisive…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Constantine Sequel 'May' Be On the Horizon

    Water For Elephants is out in theaters and Francis Lawrence is on a PR tour promoting it. Mrs. Go,See,Talk saw it (without me) but as always the case, it’s not like the book which is why she wasn’t very compelled to write a review. Sorry folks. Anyway, the video below has him talking briefly with MTV and more to the point of the post, he talks about his adaptation of the Hellblazer comic. Fans of the film and those eager for a sequel, this might just be of interest to you…although it still just sounds like more pillow talk and rumors.