• Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…’Driven’ Director on Lee Pace and the Life and Times of John Z. DeLorean

    To many, John Z. DeLorean is a man steeped in equal amounts of esteem and intrigue. He lived a fascinating life, but after his time with GM, he reached point where all his fame turned to infamy. In the 30 minutes I spent with director Nick Hamm, we discussed the road he wanted to take to bring this character to the screen. Hamm admits that DeLorean’s life isn’t interesting enough for him to have taken the biopic route, and similarly, a documentary might have felt stale. So basing this narrative around the actual events of DeLorean’s attempts to start and save his car company (including the cocaine sting operation that…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Guardians of the Galaxy

    There’s an idea that in order to have a good time at the cinema you need to check your brain. That’s not entirely the case when it comes to James Gunn. The surprise hit of the Summer (well coming from Marvel and Gunn success is probably not a surprise) Guardians of the Galaxy is highly entertaining and works as both a film and a comic book movie; it’s just a great time at the cinema. Some have claimed, mostly because of the marketing department, that this could be the next Star Wars. Even at the time this review is being written, in the midst of the white-hot hype surrounding the…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…’The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies’

    After more than a decade devoted to the amazing creatures of The Shire and all of Middle Earth, Peter Jackson will soon be saying good bye to his beloved series. Can’t say it hasn’t been fulfilling, and a tad overlong, but we’ve loved ever meandering second of the series. Also, we can’t wait until TNT inevitably runs all 6 films back to back (extended editions or not) and calls it “24 Hours of a Hobbit Story”. Pretty sure that’s what Jackson was aiming for all along – an alternative to A Christmas Story in December. Anyway, enjoy the teaser trailer that made hoards of fans at Comic Con happier than…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet (2nd) Trailer…Marvel’s ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’

    We’re not going to waste your time with this post. All you need to know is the newest Guardians of the Galaxy trailer is out, so check it out now. Like right now! Like what are you doing still reading this?? Enjoy the awesomeness below!! In the far reaches of space, an American pilot named Peter Quill finds himself the object of a manhunt after stealing an orb coveted by the villainous Ronan. With equal parts sarcasm and action, thanks in large part to James Gunn and the spectacular cast he’s assembled, this looks to be an insanely fun outing. Reminiscent of The Fifth Element (in style and the hybrid sci-fi…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Just Who Are The ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Anyway?

    The first trailer (and first poster) for the James Gunn directed Guardians of the Galaxy hit the web and was, in short, a huge surprise that left film fans clamoring for more insight into Phase 2 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We always knew this was going to be a risky movie for the studio and the biggest hurdle was going to be the advertising/marketing. How do you make non-comic fans care about a rag tag team of space misfits they’ve most likely never hear about? Well the teaser did what it needed to (thank you Jimmy Kimmel and Chris Pratt) and now the following featurettes serve to give us all…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…Marvel’s ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’

    Here we are comic folk, the moment we’ve been waiting for. After some sneak peeks and speculation as to what was in store for the Guardians of the Galaxy adaptation we get a stellar trailer for this rag-tag ensemble pic. The best thing this production has going for it is that it has no problem having a laugh at itself, like that sly self-awareness that made The Fifth Element such a classic, and that might just be what makes it all click. Personally speaking if we were going to get a live-action adaptation about space misfits I’d rather see Cowboy Bebop but that’s just me. Still James Gunn is able…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln is considered by historians to be one of the best, if not the best, President of the United States of America.  It is only fitting that one of the best directors of our time takes the helm on Lincoln.  Most audience members that wander into Lincoln will already be aware of the events that transpire throughout the course of the film.  We know what the outcome of the movie will be, because it is history.  However, the joy is in the journey as you are thrust back into an explosive time rife with turmoil and change.  Lincoln is ripped from the pages of history, meticulously reenacted and then…