• Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Look…Gorgeous Concept Artwork for DreamWorks' 'The Croods'

    If there’s one element that can make or break a film, outside of its overall quality, it has got to be the trailer. A trailer (read: most times created by a company not associated with the studio producing it) can make the very worst film look like a billion dollars and conversely undersell something that is genuinely a good product. Case in point. The marketing for DreamWorks’ upcoming film The Croods hasn’t been, shall we say, doing the film any favors. To be fair this is a tough one to market. It’s not John Carter hard but still, if you asked anyone on the street if they wanted to see…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Ohhh, Look…Slick Looking 'After Earth' Poster & Trailer

    Yesterday the latest poster for the M. Night Shyamalan sci-fi actioner After Earth hit the web. It’s kind of simple but still pretty slick looking. At least it’s not blue/orange and loaded with sparks and debris right? So enjoy the poster as well as the trailer that was released a few days ago below. Personally despite being continually let down by his films as of late, I still think Shamhammer has another hit in him. This could be it but if not, at the very least we can look forward to another amazing score from G-S-T favorite James Newton Howard. Look what he did for The Last Airbender. Anyway…behold, After Earth. A…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Listen…First M83 Track Released From The 'Oblivion' Score

    At G-S-T we’ve become increasingly fond of the group M83. It’s not hard once you listen to a few tracks since they have such a distinct and infectious sound. When Joseph Kosinski began work on his second film after the TRON: Legacy many wondered if Daft Punk would return to knock another score out of the park. Well Kosinski enlisted the above mentioned French group to score the film and that only made the production of Oblivion that much more appealing. Recently the first track from the score, titled “StarWaves” was released (thanks to Rolling Stone for the heads up) and it sounds goooood! Have a listen and enjoy the epic…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh Look…Iron Legion Seen On New 'Iron Man 3' Poster

    They say you can’t keep a good [iron] man down. He’s beaten Obadiah Stane, kicked the “demon in the bottle” and even Whiplash. So for the upcoming third installment in Marvel’ s (and Disney’s) Iron Man franchise Robert Downey Jr. is back and he’s brought some friends. Over the years we’ve seen Tony Stark grow from a one many army to enlisting some help in the form of Lt. Col. James Rhodes, and in The Avengers it was, well, The Avengers. In this film he’s going up against The Mandarin (played by Ben Kingsley) and Aldrich Killian (played by Guy Pearce), and he’s gonna need all the help he can get. That help comes…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    The Best of Times: UK 'Monsters University' Class Photo Poster

    Disney/Pixar continues the excellent marketing campaign for Monsters University with this sweet look back at the MU student body. It’s a gorgeous looking class photo (thanks to Empire for the tip) that really takes us back to those simpler fun filled collegiate days. Rah, rah, sis boom ROAR!! Anyway since we can’t think of anything more to add to this, we’ll just get to the good stuff.  Enjoy! Monsters University is directed by Dan Scanlon and stars Billy Crystal and John Goodman (and even Steve Buscemi) who are returning to voice their beloved characters and this story will take us back to the duo’s college days before Mike and Sulley were best friends.  Monsters Inc. is such a classic and last week Disney/Pixar released the gorgeous 3D…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Look…Check Out Spidey's New Suit For 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2'

    Now that the Oscars are over we can fully put 2012 behind us and look forward to all the splendor and highly anticipated films of 2013. Super-heroes have been all the rage and thankfully have become more hit than miss as of late. One property that has been and continues to stay near the top of the pyramid is Spider-Man. Last year Marc Webb proved that his slightly unnecessary reboot was on par with the Raimi trilogy, if not better in many ways. Well, Marc Webb’s got a lot of elements and characters to manage if he hopes to top the success of his 2012 film and keep this new adventure from feeling bloated and…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Look…Looking Back – 84 Years of Oscar Retrospective

    This weekend the pinnacle of film award shows, the 85th Annual Academy Awards, will recognize the best the best from 2012 as directors, thespians, technicians, etc. will all be lauded for their efforts to the entertainment world. They each, but in unison, have and continue to work tirelessly to create some of the most memorable, iconic, and legendary films in history. This video takes a look at the films that have endured and lived in the hearts and minds of film fans across the globe. Hardly a definite retrospective, this breezy but concise 4-minute short titled “Best Picture Oscar Winners” and set to music from Max Richter, is created by Nelson Carvajal. It briefly highlights…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Look…The Dean of 'Monsters University' Welcomes You

    Earlier this week we were treated to the UK trailer for Pixar‘s upcoming Monsters University. We also got a small batch of see hi-rez images and posters to oogle over and things continually look to be shaping up nicely for this prequel to Pete Docter’s monster hit (pun intended!). Well continuing their world building, by way of the fun viral website that was launched a few months back, today we get a very special message from the Dean of Monsters University. If you’re interested in matriculating at MU and going from great students to great scarers, then this message is for YOU! Monsters University is directed by Dan Scanlon and stars Billy Crystal and John Goodman (and even Steve Buscemi) who are returning…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Look…'Iron Man 3' Poster Shows Don Cheadle As The Iron Patriot

    After yesterday’s sneak peek at the Iron Man 3 poster, Disney has just unveiled the latest bit of marketing for their upcoming super-hero film. Not like it was any mystery that Don Cheadle (playing Lt. Col. James Rhodes) would be wearing the “Iron Patriot” armor in this film, but this poster is still neat to look at. So now that the cat, er Cheadle is fully out of the bag, let’s just skip to the good stuff… We really hope the “teaser for movie posters” concept Disney pulled yesterday doesn’t take off. The teaser for teaser trailer trend was pushing it. But anyway, we are where we are and regardless of the…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Look…New Teaser Poster for 'RED 2'

    Bruce Willis is already going to be in two movies this year, why not make it three? After he runs and guns through the cold streets of Mother Russia this month he’ll be getting down and dirty with the Joes in March. Then, later this Summer, he’ll show us that he (and most of the returning cast) is still retired and still extremely dangerous. To get us excited, Summit has released a new poster for the upcoming sequel RED 2. Have a look. Oh, and hope you like red, there’s a lot of it…Enjoy! In RED 2, the high-octane action-comedy sequel to the worldwide sleeper hit, retired black-ops CIA agent Frank Moses…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Look…New Stills From 'The World's End' and 'Jack Ryan'

    This time of year we film fans usually do three things without fail – shake off the Winter cold, brave the hit and miss “dump” titles from all the major studios, and get ready for the most anticipated titles in the coming months. Well you’re on your own with the first two but we can help you out with the latter. We’ve already got delightful chills and smiles thanks to the impressive looking stills from Man of Steel, Kick-Ass 2 and The Wolverine but now here’s just a little more eye candy. First up is The World’s End, which stars co-writer and director Edgar Wright’ s usual suspects Simon Pegg,  Nick Frost and Martin Freeman who are joined Paddy…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Look…John Kahrs' Oscar-Nominated Animated Short 'Paperman' On-Line NOW!!

    Apon seeing it for the first time last September, when it was shown at Fantastic Fest of all places, I became a HUGE fan of John Kahrs’ animated short film Paperman. It’s an incredibly sweet, heart-warming short and a throw back to the days of classic Disney animation. Yet what makes Kahrs’ short so unique is that it’s the first project to use this groundbreaking new computer technology. Likened, roughly to rotoscoping, the animators are able to wrap a 2D image/sketch around a dynamic 3D frame giving each pencil stroke and texture incredible depth and a free flowing look. In short, lines stretch and bend organically retaining the character of the animator’s…