• Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Look…Toy Story Short "Hawaiian Vacation" Clip

    Last year Toy Story 3 was a huge hit. And by huge I mean it was a billion dollar hit (that’s billions with a B!). Riding high on their success, Buzz, Woody and the Toy Box gang are going to be featured in the next Pixar short which precedes the upcoming Cars 2. In a way it’s fitting that are gong to help usher in the only other Pixar franchise that’s gotten a sequel. But it also seems funny that after taking home the Oscar last month for Best Animated film, our beloved characters are playing second fiddle as the opening band for Lightning McQueen, Mater and the bunch. Anyway…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Look…New 'Cars 2' Characters

    There’s one automobile related film I’m excited about this year and it ain’t Drive Angry. No, it’s Pixar’s Cars 2 and today we have our first look at 4 of the newest characters which not only look stunning but are backed with some high-profile voice talent. Over the past few weeks we’ve gotten to see all the new models for Cars 2 via the “Turntable Series” (click here to check them all out). This is week 8 of the new model reveals and each one really is better looking than the last. Have a look at the next round of Cars 2 characters:

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…’Cars 2′ Daytona 500 Spot

    A few weeks ago, film fans watching the Super Bowl were treated to some great teaser trailers for the most anticipate films of 2011. The commercials were jam packed with trailers big and small but Cars 2 was oddly missing from that impressive line up. Well Pixar’s sequel about the continuing adventures of Lightning McQueen and his pal Mater got their due with this spot during the Daytona 500. Yeah, that event seemed better suited to them anyways. So while we’ve posted Cars 2 photos and videos in the past, I’ll take all I can get as I’m super excited for this sequel… Dag gum! Now if that’s not enough to see…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet (Teaser) Trailer…'Cars 2'

    Vrroom, vroom!! It looks like we’re getting a truckload of Pixar magic this week and the latest offering form everyone’s favorite stateside animation house comes in the form of animated cars. Yesterday we had a post featuring a gorgeous screen shot and a teaser poster which was awesome enough. Today we get an oh so sweet teaser trailer and it really makes me smile (FYI, the trailer released about a month ago that was more like an “announcement” trailer). So enough stalling, let’s hit the gas shall we? In this sequel to 2006’s Cars, we follow Lightning McQueen and his best friend Mater as they set out on an international adventure…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Sneak Peek…Green Lantern, Cars 2, Cowboys & Aliens and Pirates 4

    Calling all you film fans, have I got a mixed bag of awesome to start off your Monday! Let’s begin with something that dropped on Friday. Here we have a first look at Ryan Reynolds as the titular character in Martin Campbell‘s upcoming Green Lantern. This video should be a good amount of eye candy and even though the footage looks unfinished and out of context footage from the film. Not enough to sell me as of now but I do want to see more. Enjoy… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV1FQoEkXcI&feature=player_embedded Next up we have a beautiful screen shot image from the Pixar camp for their upcoming feature Cars 2 (plus you can click this…

  • Editorials,  Movies/Entertainment

    The 82nd Academy Awards: Na'vi for "Suck it, Cameron"

    Well boy was I very very impressed with the Oscars last night. While I’m not going to do a very thorough recap of the Oscar, I’ll simply say that they again were an amazing success. Following a similar path to the look and feel of last year’s show (hosted by master-classman Hugh Jackman), the 82nd Oscar ceremony went a slightly more funny route but still retained oodles of class.  That’s something that I believe has been missing in recent years and I’m glad to see the return to form. So while I’m not going to give the nominees, the winners and an entire dissertation of my thoughts, here’s a quick rundown of…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Yi-Ha!!…The G-S-T Trailer Round-Up!!

    With this being the end of my first week back from my Honeymoon, I am now absolutely, positively caught up on all that I had missed while being in Australia. Wow, a lot can happen in 2 weeks, huh?! So for anyone out there who also missed a sizable chunk of entertainment goodness, here’s a comprehensive collection of films trailers I’m going to call “The Trailer Round-Up“…well, comprehensive as far as films I want to see anyway. If you haven’t seen any of these, please enjoy them for the first time with me. If this is old news, perhaps some of you might think they’re worth a second look: ——————————————————————————————————————————————- Toy Story 3 looks…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Sweet Pixar short…'George and AJ'

    You know, some films just stick so deep with you that once the movie is over, you find yourself constantly thinking about it.  I have that happen to me from time to time and wondering “what happens next?” and other times I wonder what is happening tandem with the story (but off screen) and how the side characters are affected or just what they’re doing.  While I just adore Up (check out our review here), I never really thought beyond the story that much (save for what Russell’s mom thought of her son’s “new friends”) but those creative super geniuses at PIXAR sure did.  To answer some questions and expand the story,…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Up

    PREMISE: Left moderately bitter, and ultimately alone, after his wife’s passing, Carl Fredricksen is now pressured to sell his house in the face of urban development, but he’s not moving one inch.  After a slight altercation with the contractors waiting outside his door, he’s being forced out of his home and into an assisted living facility for the elderly.  Just before he’s set to be taken away, he unleashes thousands of balloons (that he filled in the middle of the night) tied to his house and is now going to lift the house and take it with him to the one destination he and his late wife never got to go to. …