• Movies/Entertainment,  Screenings


    Attention: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED – All passes have been claimed. Go,See,Talk is partnering with Sony Pictures to give film fans FREE passes to a special Advance Screening of ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD. Click the poster below and claim your ticket directly from the Sony Screenings website!! ***Note: Use the following promotional link on the ticket page: DTXATMWGST This screening will take place on December 19 at 7:30 PM These passes are first-come, first-served so be one of the first people to register for your ticket and you may get to see ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD before it opens on December 25. Finally, as always, the ticket is not an assigned seat, just admittance to the theater. Be sure to…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet (Teaser) Trailer…’Blade Runner 2049′

    As a movie related website, we’ve been on the web since early 2009. But we never would have thought that we would ever report on a sequel to the 1982 classic, Blade Runner. Now while we’ve never been as taken by Sir Ridley Scott’s seminal masterpiece as the rest of the world has, over time, I’ve personally come to appreciate its importance and the popularity behind it. So while we are many months out from its release, behold, the first trailer, err, “announcement” for Blade Runner 2049. It’s mostly filled with sandy hues and a lot of text, but it still looks so very noir. Thirty years after the events…

  • Contests,  Movies/Entertainment

    CONTEST CLOSED – Win A Copy of ‘The Martian’ Score Autographed by Composer Harry Gregson-Williams

    Attention: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. All winners have been notified. Thanks for your interest in THE MARTIAN. ———————————————————————————————————————————— Ridley Scott’s film The Martian opened on October 2nd to amazing box office and critical success – currently, it is the 7th highest grossing film of 2015. Part of what made the space epic so enthralling (aside from Andy Weir’s source material, Scott’s direction and, of course, Matt Damon) is the score from Harry Gregson-Williams. Earlier this year, we spoke with Harry about his work on this exceptional film (click here to read our insightful interview with Gregson-Williams); it is a high point in his and Scott’s careers, that’s for sure. We adore the film (read our…

  • Composer Series,  Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…Composer Harry Gregson-Williams on ‘The Martian’, Ridley Scott and Andy Weir’s Hopeful Space Epic

    We first spoke to film composer Harry Gregson-Williams a few years ago and discussed his work on Zal Batmanglij‘s stunning throwback-styled thriller The East – a pensive score he shared credit with Halli Cauthri. It was a Scott Free Production, so it seems that these days Harry, even after his sabbatical, can never be found too far from Ridley Scott. The Martian is the film adaptation of Andy Weir‘s best-selling novel. It tells the story of Astronaut Mark Watney (played brilliantly and charismatically by Matt Damon – check out our glowing review here) as he struggles to get off the Red Planet. Harry was quite happy with the score and very happy to hear of…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…The Martian

    What can you say about Ridley Scott‘s work that hasn’t already solidified him as one of the more amazing and versatile filmmakers of our time? Well here’s some more praise – The Martian is easily one of the best movies you’ll see this year, and certainly one of the best of the last five. Scott’s adaptation (of the book of the same name) showcases a multitude of competent decisions and finesse that make The Martian a win in all categories as well as an entirely fun-filled cinematic experience. On the surface level, the film might appear to be a drama, but with healthy injections of Matt Damon charm, this one-man show looks like a variety act…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Screenings

    ALL PASSES CLAIMED – Advance Screening Passes to ‘THE MARTIAN’ in AUSTIN, TX

    Attention: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED – All passes have been claimed. Thanks for your interest in THE MARTIAN. ———————————————————————————————————————————— Go,See,Talk is partnering with 20th Century Fox to give film fans FREE passes to a special “Advance Screening” of THE MARTIAN starring Matt Damon, Jeff Daniels and Chiwetel Ejiofor. Click the poster below and claim your ticket directly from the GoFoBo website!!  ***Note: sometimes the link doesn’t get you to the ticket page. If that happens, here is the promotional code: imxoZ82749 This screening will take place on Tuesday, September 29 at 7:00 PM These passes are first-come, first-served so be one of the first people to register for your ticket and you may get to see THE MARTIAN before…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Screenings

    ALL PASSED CLAIMED – Advance Screening Passes to ‘THE MARTIAN’ in DALLAS, TX

    Attention: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED – All passes have been claimed. Thanks for your interest in THE MARTIAN. ————————————————————————————————————————————Go,See,Talk is partnering with 20th Century Fox to give film fans FREE passes to a special “Advance Screening” of THE MARTIAN starring Matt Damon, Jeff Daniels and Chiwetel Ejiofor. Click the poster below and claim your ticket directly from the GoFoBo website!!  ***Note: sometimes the link doesn’t get you to the ticket page. If that happens, here is the promotional code: yALuU16234 This screening will take place on Tuesday, September 29 at 7:00 PM These passes are first-come, first-served so be one of the first people to register for your ticket and you may get to see THE MARTIAN before it…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…Ridley Scott’s ‘The Martian’

    As of late, Ridley Scott’s films have sorely lacked the appeal of his earlier works. Since Kingdom of Heaven (we will always defend that Director’s Cut as being one of Ridley’s best works) or maybe even Gladiator, Scott’s recent track record has been hit and miss. Robin Hood, and The Counselor are among the biggest misfires, and let’s not revisit the disappointing reception of Prometheus. Also, we’re still scratching our head over the necessity of Exodus: Gods and Kings (check out our review here). Now it’s not that he’s ever made a bad film, or wasn’t devoted 110% to his own story, but not every film of his has been a winner. That said, we’re…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Exodus: Gods and Kings

    If you’re heading to see Exodus: Gods and Kings, you’d do well to remember one thing. Just because this is from the man behind Gladiator, does not mean this is going to be like Gladiator. That’s a misconception. After all, this is one of the most famous stories from the Bible, so you have to know what you’re getting into. It’s not a sword and sandal pic. In fact, it’s mostly just sandals with the distinction that it’s Ridley Scott behind the camera of this religious epic. This review is not an argument for or against the film. There really is nothing wrong with Scott’s picture except for the expectations the…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Screenings

    ALL PASSES CLAIMED – Advance Screening Passes to ‘EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS’ in DALLAS, TX

    Attention: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED – All passes have been claimed. Thanks for your interest. ——————————————————————————————————————————— Go,See,Talk is partnering with 20th Century Fox to give film fans FREE passes to a special “Advance Screening” of EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS  starring Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, and Ben Kingsley. This screening will take place in DALLAS, TX on Thursday, December 11th at 7:00 PM So how do you claim/win them?? Simple. Click the poster above and claim your ticket directly from the GoFoBo website!! These passes are first-come, first-served so be one of the first people to register for your ticket and you may get to see EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS  before it opens on December 12th. Finally, as always, the ticket is not an assigned seat,…