• Movies/Entertainment,  Screenings

    ALL PASSES CLAIMED – Advance Screening Passes to ’ENDER'S GAME’ in IMAX in DALLAS, TX

    Attention: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED – All passes have been claimed. Thanks for your interest in Summit Entertainment’s ENDER’S GAME. ———————————————————————————————————————————— Go,See,Talk is partnering with Summit Entertainment to give Dallas area film fans FREE passes (good for you +1 guest) to a special IMAX “Advance Screening” of ENDER’S GAME starring Harrison Ford, Asa Butterfield, and Hailee Steinfeld. This screening will take place in DALLAS, TX on Tuesday, October 29th at 7:00 PM. So how do you claim./win them?? Simple. Click the poster above to get your PRINTABLE GoFoBo pass…but it’s first-come, first-served so act fast!! Be one of the first people to register for your ticket and you’ll get to see ENDER’S GAME before…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Now You See Me

    Louis Leterrier. That name means different things to different people. But when telling a tale that’s a quasi-magical, quasi-heist film, he seems the perfect fit for this type of story. None of his films are known to contain very much substance, yet, on a cursory level, they are comprised of mostly breezy entertainment with a strong, and slightly fun visual sense. Smoke, mirrors, and misdirection are the tools of a magician and Leterrier works in the same medium, one where everything is an illusion; a hollow one with no great revelation behind the curtain, only disappointment. That sounds incredibly harsh as Now You See Me, for most of the duration at least, is…

  • Composer Series,  Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Exclusive: Interview (Part I)…Film Composer Brian Tyler Talks ‘Now You See Me’ and ‘Iron Man 3’

    Brian Tyler is a film composer who is no stranger to high energy and action-oriented films. In fact there’s not a lot on his resume that isn’t an adrenaline-fueled thrill ride. This May audiences got a taste of Brian’s unique musical styling in both Shane Black’s Iron Man 3 and Louis Leterrier’s Now You See Me. They are two vastly different films with two distinct musical themes but they share one thing in common; they feature score that are more engaging, bold and fun that the events playing out on screen. Brian’s music, time and again, walks the line between a sleek sophistication and something that effortlessly raises pulses. We got…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Screenings


    Attention: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. All passed have been claimed. Thanks for your interest in Summit Entertainment’s NOW YOU SEE ME. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Go,See,Talk is partnering with Summit Entertainment to give 100 Oklahoma City area film fans FREE passes (good for you +1 guest) to an “Advance Screening” of Now You See Me starring Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Isla Fisher, Mark Ruffalo, Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine. The screening will take place in OKLAHOMA CITY, OK on Wednesday, May 29th at 7:30PM. So how do you claim/win them?? Simple. Click the poster above to get your PRINTABLE GoFoBo ticket…but it’s first come, first served so act fast!! Be one of the first 100 people to click the link and you’ll get to see Now You See Me before all your friends. Neat huh? Little reminder though, this ticket is not an…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Screenings


    Attention: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. All passed have been claimed. Thanks for your interest in Summit Entertainment’s NOW YOU SEE ME. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Go,See,Talk is partnering with Summit Entertainment to give 100 NOLA area film fans FREE passes (good for you +1 guest) to an “Advance Screening” of Now You See Me starring Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Isla Fisher, Mark Ruffalo, Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine. The screening will take place in NEW ORLEANS, TX on Wednesday, May 29th at 7:30PM. So how do you claim/win them?? Simple. Click the poster above to get your PRINTABLE GoFoBo ticket…but it’s first come, first served so act fast!! Be one of the first 100 people to click the link and you’ll get to see Now You See Me before all your friends. Neat huh? Little reminder though, this ticket is not an…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Screenings

    ALL PASSES CLAIMED – FREE Advance Screening Passes To 'NOW YOU SEE ME' In DALLAS, TX

    Attention: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. All passed have been claimed. Thanks for your interest in Summit Entertainment’s NOW YOU SEE ME. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Go,See,Talk is partnering with Summit Entertainment to give 100 Dallas area film fans FREE passes (good for you +1 guest) to an “Advance Screening” of Now You See Me starring Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Isla Fisher, Mark Ruffalo, Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine. The screening will take place in DALLAS, TX on Wednesday, May 29th at 7:30PM. So how do you claim/win them?? Simple. Click the poster above to get your PRINTABLE GoFoBo ticket…but it’s first come, first served so act fast!! Be one of the first 100 people to click the link and you’ll get to see Now You See Me before all your friends. Neat huh? Little reminder though, this ticket is not an…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Look…New Teaser Poster for 'RED 2'

    Bruce Willis is already going to be in two movies this year, why not make it three? After he runs and guns through the cold streets of Mother Russia this month he’ll be getting down and dirty with the Joes in March. Then, later this Summer, he’ll show us that he (and most of the returning cast) is still retired and still extremely dangerous. To get us excited, Summit has released a new poster for the upcoming sequel RED 2. Have a look. Oh, and hope you like red, there’s a lot of it…Enjoy! In RED 2, the high-octane action-comedy sequel to the worldwide sleeper hit, retired black-ops CIA agent Frank Moses…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…Jesse Eisenberg's Ensemble Heist Flick 'Now You See Me'

    Yesterday The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 opened across the nation and one of the surprises (beyond the 15 minute melee in the finale), which funny enough had nothing to do with Twilight, came in the form of a trailer. The trailer in question was for the upcoming Jesse Eisenberg vehicle Now You See Me. What looks equal parts intriguing, comical and roller coaster-type fun, Summit Entertainment will unveil the illusionist heist flick Now You See Me next year and I bet it’ll be one helluva Summer popcorn film. This didn’t sound too impressive when it was announced some months ago but this stellar trailer (and cast!) has me singing a different…