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Video Interview…’ABCs of Death 2′ Directors – E.L. Katz, Alejandro Brugues, Jim Hosking & The Soska Sisters

ABCs of Death 2_FF2014While at Fantastic Fest, we got to do several interviews, including a few with the talented directors who helped bring ABCs of Death 2 to life… er, death? A vast improvement over the first ABCs film (check out our capsule review here), it will fright and delight fans of just about every genre. Before we get started, we want to offer our apologies for the extremely bad lighting here – the rooms they used for interviews weren’t lit at all, unfortunately.

This was done in the newly refurbished Highball bar, inside the karaoke rooms at the Alamo Drafthouse, which explains the lack of bright light.

Up first is E.L. Katz, who did the letter “A” – he’s also the director of Cheap Thrills, which is a great film in its own right if you’ve never seen it.

E L Katz

Next is Alejandro Brugues, who directed the letter “E”, which takes place on a deserted island… that’s all we’ll say. He’s also the man responsible for Juan of the Dead, which became an instant cult classic.

Alejandro Brugués

And now for something completely different – here’s Jim Hosking, who directed “G”, which is a very British slice of horror.

Jim Hosking

Finally, our buddy Mark Walters of (who shot the three above videos) sat with Jen and Sylvia Soska (aka The Soska Twins) and actress Tristan Risk. Jen and Sylvia directed the letter “T” for “Torture Porn”, and let’s just say it’s one of the craziest segments in the film (and that’s saying a LOT).

Soska Sisters

They certainly tell things like it is, so let’s just put this out there that this is highly NSFW…mostly, among other things,  because of the F-bomb which is dropped a ton of times. The Soskas are working on the film adaptation of Painkiller Jane and just recently also directed See No Evil 2 with wrestling superstar Kane.

ABCs OF DEATH 2 hit VOD on October 2, and will also be available in select theaters on October 31st.