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Video Interview…’Locke’ Writer/Director Steven Knight

Steven Knight_Locke_intervew BannerThe latest brilliant cinematic offering from across the pond is the Steven Knight drama Locke. Both written and directed by Knight, Locke tells the story of a man who in one night must decide between a myriad of jeopardies. Knight, known for penning Eastern Promises and Dirty Pretty Things, crafts and then directs Hardy in this dramatic one man tour de force. It’s a stunning film, one that blurs the line between cinema and theater, and even more stunning is the conception and execution of Knight’s gripping narrative.

A masterpiece of writing and acting, the film is as impacting as it is riveting but also it deserves to be lauded for being an anomaly in the film community; it was shot in sequence. Even more unheard of, all principle footage was shot in just 6 days. All of this helps translate into yet another star-making performance in Tom Hardy’s already crowded and accomplished resume. We had the privilege to sit with Steven to talk about his amazing film.

The film is written and directed by Steven Knight and stars Tom Hardy, Olivia Colman and Ruth Wilson. A24’s Locke is in theaters now.

Ivan Locke, a dedicated family man and successful construction manager, receives a phone call on the eve of the biggest challenge of his career that sets in motion a series of events that threaten his careful cultivated existence.