As they say down under, Hallo Mates!! (BTW, no one says G’Day anymore. I think it’s because they know foreigners will just laugh at them if they say it).
Well I have to say the bachelor party, the wedding, the reception, and the after party all went off without a hitch. “I love it when a plan comes together”. For any of you interested G-S-T fans out there, follow this link to our wedding slideshow on the photographer’s website. Man, is he good!!
Other than that, Australia was awesome!! Expensive, but awesome and memories that will definitely last a lifetime. I’ll get some photos posted in the next few days but here’s a few to tide you over:
Now after a year of wedding prep and all that goes along with it, the dust has settled it’s back to life as usual. Man, what a ride!! But starting a new chapter in my life, I do need to bring one small antic-dote to light. Ahem…
If there’s one thing I leaned about life in the past two weeks, it is that getting married is sooo sweeeet!! If there’s two things I learned, it’s that first one and also, as of late, wear sunblock in Australia! I sure as hell didn’t know that little tidbit! Scientific fact is that they have almost ZERO ozone and summertime sun is no joke. I don’t care if your Brazilian, made of rock, or are Optimus Prime, if you don’t wear sun block with an SPF in the 4 digit range, (or ‘zinc’ which makes you look like a mannequin) you will burn. You’ve been warned. Oh, it’s good to be home!!!
Hi Marc! Let me be the first to welcome you back. Glad to hear you and your gorgeous wife had a great time. Will check your photos later today, I’m sure they’re awesome! Oh, and happy belated V-day… yes, isn’t marriage grand?
Anyhow, now I’m REALLLY hoping to visit my aunt in Sydney… hopefully in the next couple of years.
Great to hear it Ruth. While a trip to Australia isn’t something you’d put on your “Bucket List”, it’s totally worth it and something to enjoy sooner rather than later…not to mention staying with family will save you a bundle:P