Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

Interview…Casper Kelly, Andrea Laing and Justin Miles on ‘Adult Swim Yule Log’

If you’re looking at the calendar, we are just four days from Christmas. That might seem like eons to children, but if you’re an Adult Swim fan, then you already got your present courtesy of Casper Kelly and his warped take on the classic yule log starring Andrea Laing and Justin Miles.

The acclaimed writer/director dropped his anti-holiday bomb on the world following the Season Six finale of Rick and Morty. Well, that bomb went boooom, and 91 absurdly shocking minutes later Kelly has another hit on his hands, as well as the channel’s first-ever live-action feature. This is just as dense, bizarre and out of left field as his previous hit: the wild ride that is ‘Too Many Cooks‘…check it out if you haven’t already.

We were lucky enough to catch up with Kelly, whose other credits include the wildly popular Emmy nominated series Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell, the beloved Cheddar Goblin sequence in the Nicholas Cage film Mandy, alongside ArcherAqua Teen Hunger ForceHarvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, and many more. Check out our fun chat with the man of the hour!

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But if that’s not enough yule-tide zaniness, get read for this bonus interview: a fun-filled slay ride with Andrea Laing and Justin Mile who share stories from set and expletive filled praise working on such a one-of-a-kind project. They lead the cast of vacationers who are, wait for it, brutally attacked by a demonic yule log. Watching this, you’ll find yourself saying “Ho, ho, holy hell…did that just happen???” Yep. It did. Enjoy our time with Andrea and Justin!

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Described only as a “cozy crackling fire,” viewers were forewarned that the TV-MA yule log contained “violence, adult language, and brief nudity.” After beginning with festive fireplace visual and holiday music, “Adult Swim Yule Log” gives way to unfolding a pulse-pounding story set within a remote cabin in which a mysterious and deadly fireplace constantly burns. Filled with mind-bending twists and a bizarre cast of characters, Kelly’s film welcomes viewers into a surreal, genre-defying thriller.