“Ah man, this fishing sucks, all we caught was a tire, a boot, an old tin can and this book of clichés”. Yeah, watch any movie these days and you’re bound to find more than the occasional cliche…even some that are intentionally thrown in as a wink and a nod to the audience. For laughs, the folks at the New York Latino International Film Festival have blown the whistle on some of the biggest offenders; those tried (tired really) and true elements of film that we’ve come to expect in sub-par films. But who are we kidding, we still love them even if they are so very unrealistic and overdone. Also it’s a pretty clever way to help promote their Film Festival which starts next Monday the 15th.
So have a look at these neat graphics that shine a light on some of the more blatant but good old fashioned cliches after the jump. Click the image for a hi-res version and thanks to /Film for the heads up on the NYLIFF…
For those of you in the NY area you might want to check into New York Latino International Film Festival which runs from August 15th through the 21st. If these festival is anywhere as smart as these graphics you can bet the selection of films will be equally fun and witty. What do you think?? Are these pretty clever??
The Director
OK, the Producer’s Vision/Director’s Vision cracked me UP! XD Also, the “Villain’s Accuracy Against the Hero in the Movie” one was good
Thanks for sharing!
Ooooh, thanks for spotlighting these, Marc. They’re awesome, sooo creative and sooo true!! I could easily put these up on my wall, LOVE the simplicity of it yet they’re so striking. The housekeeper one w/ the shoes immediately makes me think of the dismal Maid in Manhattan. But the rest are so spot on!