Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

Sweet Trailer…'Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close'

A decade after the events of September 11th I’m not sure anyone is close to being done greiving…but enough time has passed that should have let a larger number of people come to terms with it. Not long after I left yesterday’s screener of Margaret (review coming on 10/7) I found this on our buddy Castor’s page Anamolous Material. After coming out of such a heavy and lengthy film, which in a way dealt with the aftermath of 9/11 as well, I think I needed this quasi-pick-me up. Behold, the first trailer for the film adaptation of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

From the point of view of 9-year-old Oskar (amateur inventor, jewelry designer, astrophysicist, tambourine player and pacifist) we follow him as he searches New York for the lock that matches a mysterious key left by his father when he was killed in the September 11 attacks. Starring Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock and many many others it looks like a sweet and endearing story and I can’t wait to see it. Directed by Stephen Dalrdy and written by Eric Roth (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is set for limited release this Winter on December 25th, 2011 with a wide release on January 20th, 2011.

It could be the perfect family film this holiday season since you probably won’t be able to bring the kids to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. What do you think? Anyone expect a dry eye in the theater??


  • Castor

    Maybe it’s just the trailer but for me, it’s too much sweet 🙂 Obvious Oscar baiting movie and the more obvious it is, the more the Academy loves it.

    • MarcC

      Haha, well said Castor. You know, funny thing about Oscar season is that many films get lumped toward the end of the year so they’re fresh in the minds of the Academy, but I’ve always hated how that does disservice to some great films that get overlooked from early-mid year.

  • Dan O.

    It has a great look and ambition but man, it also feels so emotionally manipulative. I’m not a fan of Stephen Daldry’s work though I did like “Billy Elliot”. It’s just that it has Oscar bait written all over it. It makes me not like those films.

    • MarcC

      Agree with you on the hard sell and over the top Oscar baiting but it’s tough not to get swept up in it all. I want to see it but I’m not drinking the Oscar bait Kool Aid…yet:P

  • Andrew

    This really put me off with its overly cloying attitude. It’s only a 2-minute trailer and I still felt manipulated.

    • MarcC

      Mass hypnosis and hysteria usually abounds this time of year don’t it Andrew? Glad you and other common sense film fans are her to pull the rest of us from many a Oscar bait bug zapper.