• Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…Blockbuster Podcast Team Takes A Deep Dive Into Season 2 and James Cameron

    Over the years, one of the creatives we’ve been lucky enough to get to know is Matt Schrader. We first interviewed Matt back in 2016 while he was cooking up his first film – SCORE: A Film Music Documentary. This one-of-a-kind doc was quite the endeavor and Schrader made a lateral shift from his journalist background to take a big step into telling the story he wanted to tell. And, as score fans ourselves, we’re so glad he did! On the heels of that, and using the contacts made while filming the documentary, Schrader and team (which included Kenny Holmes and Robert Kraft) started SCORE: The Podcast to give composers…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Look…Ang Lee Talks Technical Marvels In 'Life of Pi'

    The year is quickly wrapping up and one of the many anticipated films gracing theaters this Fall/Winter is Ang Lee’s Life of Pi. At one time the film, an adaptation of Yann Maretel‘s novel of the same name, was thought to be unfilmmable. Well it just goes to show that when an experienced and visionary director gets their hands on a projects (and this time with lots of help from an equally talented effects team) nothing is impossible. Basically, you can lock in your Oscar picks now. Life of Pi is going home with a boatload of golden statues next February…well, as long Lincoln and Argo don’t sweep the awards…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Side By Side

    For over 100 years photo chemical film has been the gold standard in the film industry. But in the last two decades the advent and advances in digital technology have offered filmmakers a cheaper, easier and sometimes better alternative as a means to capture images and tell stories. In Side by Side, Keanu Reeves and writer/director Chris Kenneally put their finger on the pulse film world and explore the levels to which digital capture technology has created a paradigm shift across the world. From directors, to colorists, to editors etc, no trade is unaffected by this change in the medium. Is this the end of film? Well, it’s not a clear cut answer…

  • Interviews/Podcasts,  Movies/Entertainment

    Interview…’Side by Side’ Documentary Writer/Director Chris Kenneally

    In writer/director Chris Kenneally‘s documentary Side by Side, he and Keanu Reeves take us on a tour of the past and the future of filmmaking. For the past 100 years photo-chemical film has been the gold standard in the industry. But over the past two decades, a new form of digital filmmaking has emerged, creating a groundbreaking evolution in the medium. Covering a multitude of angles and showing points of view from many people who have an instrumental hand in the filmmaking process, Kenneally and Reeves put their finger on the pulse of the digital movement and showcase a good cross section of opinions. They explore the development of cinema and the impact of…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Quick 5/Top 10

    G-S-T Top 10 – Kick-Ass Films To Kick Off Your Summer

    They say that there ain’t no cure for the summertime blues, but hopefully that’s not true. After some thought I think I have one remedy for all you heat riddled film fans in the form of 10 incendiary and bombastic action titles. These flicks serve aren’t like any of Christopher Nolan’s intellectual roller-coaster rides, but rather fun and fast ways to beat the heat in the cool confines of a theater (or home theater). What follows is a slightly personal but hopefully an they’ll serve as a diversion from the great wall of heat that hits us hard this time of year, especially here in Dallas; we’re just a week into Summer…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Sweet Video…Steven Spielberg DGA Interview

    Steven Spielberg is more than a household name. He’s an icon, a legend, and nearly a God among men. While he’s known for countless amazing films that capture the hearts and imaginations of people all over the world, at the end of the day he’s just one guy getting to do what he loves. And he’s pretty awesome at his job that’s for sure! Last month Steven was honored by the Directors Guild in what I can only describe as one of the finest interviews I’ve ever seen. Before we get to it, here’s the into from the write-up of the nights’ events: As part of the DGA’s 75th Anniversary,…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Quick 5/Top 10

    G-S-T Quick 5 – Great Filmmakers Who Began in Horror

    I’m no film historian but I have noticed something consistent in the films I’ve seen. While there’s no surefire formula for success in Hollywood, it’s a good bet that if you want to make it big, you have to start in horror. Now many people may not enjoy horror films but there are a number of uberly talented people working with buckets of blood, fake limbs and scary power tools. In many cases, those productions could just be their ticket to the big leagues. One day, I’d bet, we might just see one of those unknown, unsuspecting directors walking across the stage at Oscar night for something they’ll do later on…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…AVATAR

    Walking into the theater to see a movie that was 14 years in the making, one has to ask, “how big is the hype on this?” and further, “how disappointed will I be if this isn’t anything great?”  Well the good news is that this film definitely does well by my standards and gets my vote for one of the best movies of the decade.  Cameron continues to push the boundaries of existing technology, create his own if what’s available is insufficient to materialize his dreams and finally resets the bar with every effort.  I wasn’t a raving fanboy awaiting the “Final Coming of Cameron” but I was still pretty excited to see this.…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Avatar – James Cameron's (14 year old) Baby…

    I think everyone (geek and non-geek alike) has, at least, heard about James Cameron’s upcoming AVATAR.  It’s not out our for another 45 days and it’s already being hailed as “the greatest movie ever” and “will change the way we watch films“.  Well that’s all well and good but just remember what hyping something does for a movie…or anything really.  I wrote a post some months back (read it here) all about how hype can create unattainable expectations.  Now I agree with Andy Warhol (little culture for you all) when he says “The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting” but to a certain extent.  It goes without…