• Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet Trailer…'Prometheus'

    We don’t usually post on the weekend but as this is a trailer for one of G-S-T’s three most anticipated films of 2012 (and from SIR Ridley Scott no less) we are happy to bend the rules just  a little. For your viewing pleasure, behold, the first FULL trailer for the quasi-Alien prequel Prometheus… When it was first reported that Ridely would be returning to this universe it provoked both cheers and jitters from fans the world over. Most everyone on the planet would undoubtedly love to see the series righted after the recent disappointing and insulting installments. However, going back to the beginning is always worrisome because there’s a chance that, even with Ridely on board,…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Ohhh, Look…'Prometheus' Viral – Guy Pearce As Peter Weyland For TED Talk 2023

    To promote Promotheus, Ridley Scott’s prequel/not-a-prequel to 1979’s Alien, comes this really neat introduction and apparent tie-in video (thanks to /Film for the heads up). What you’ll see below is the reveal of Guy Pearce’s character in the upcoming film who, in the words of Sir Ridley, is pretty much the only true link between these two films. The video shows Peter Weyland of the Weyland Corp. That’s right, half of the famous Weyland-Yutani corporate entity. Does the Nostromo ring any bells?? See, told you it was neat…but I’ll let the video do the rest of the explaining. Enjoy!! Check out more of the viral talk at the official TED2023 page. Also, if you…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet (Promo) Trailer…'Japan In A Day'

    Nearly a year ago a devastating earthquake and tsunami rocked Japan on March 11th 2011. In memory of the disaster, Fuji Television, in cooperation with Ridley and Tony Scott’s production company Scott Free London, will be producing Japan In A Day, a follow-up to the documentary A Life In A Day. Similar in structure, this will be a 24-hour self-portrait of Japan filmed by the public using any recording device. Additionally 200 cameras will be donated by Fuji for the documentary and will go to people in those areas most affected by the events. Once the footage has been submitted, Fuji TV will select the best material to comprise the feature which…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Trailers

    Sweet (Teaser) Trailer…'Prometheus'

    For the last three days we’ve been teased about the forthcoming teaser to Ridley Scott’s Prometheus. The so-called prequel to his first iconic sci-fi film Alien this takes place long before the Nostromo crew first touched down on LV-426. From the looks of it we can expect to learn a little more about the Space Jockey mythology fans have been waiting for and of course intense Scott-style action. If you look up epic in the dictionary you’ll see just two words; Ridley and Scott. The man was born to create larger than life adventures and is truly one of the very best directors of all time. So enough padding his…

  • Movies/Entertainment

    Gerard Butler To Lead Ridley Scott's Fact-Based Mercenary Thriller

    Ridley Scott has signed on to direct and produce the story of Simon Mann, a former British army officer who, in 2004,  attempted to stage a coup against the president of Equatorial Guinea. This film would be financed and shot by the Scott Free production label Ridley started with his brother Tony. Though Scott and Butler’s schedules are tied up with their respective projects for quite sometime the two might be a while before they even get started but it’s still an interesting collaboration. Thanks to Collider for the tip…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Off the Shelf

    Off the Netflix Queue…'Cracks'

    There’s that old saying that “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree“…and in the Scott family it seems that anyone sharing lineage with Sir Ridley is destined for greatness. Enter one Jordan Scott, daughter to Mr. Gladiator himself, who in her feature length directorial debut shows us she’s going places. Creating something original in Hollywood is tough enough but harder still is adapting someone else’s material. But from just the first 10 minutes or so this film, from 2009, shows us Scott has a solid career ahead of her that is coming up fast.

  • Movies/Entertainment

    To All You 'Gladiator' Blu Ray Owners…

    Hello World Marc Here: While I’m not much on A/V tech news this is movie related (and regarding one of my all time favorite films) so it behooves me to tell you all as no doubt it affects some of you cinephiles out there. Anyone who rushed out in 2009 and snatched up Paramount’s Sapphire Series Blu Ray edition of Gladiator may not have been at all happy with the transfer. Not only did the edge enhancement and digital video noise reduction create a sub-par transfer, the disc itself features tons of technical glitches. Bad day for those first in line huh? So while Paramount finally released a fixed copy…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Quick 5/Top 10

    G-S-T Top 10 – Favorite EPIC Films (Part I)

    I’ll say right off that this list probably won’t contain many of the films that you’d expect to see when I put EPIC in the title. When I come up with a Quick 5 or a Top 10, I usually try to choose films that are either off the beaten path or ones that just don’t get enough attention. Hey, it’s what I do. So before we start, let’s just take a look at this blurb which helps define and identify the makings of an epic. I think this is important as most people (mainly the ones I know) think an epic is simply a “sword and sandal” film. As written below,…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Reviews

    G-S-T Review…Robin Hood

    In Hollywood circles, there’s been some constant actor director tag teams in the past, Johnny Depp,/Tim Burton, Nic Cage/Jerry Bruckheimer, DeNiro(and DiCaprio)/Scorsese to name a few. But if there’s one team that continues to impress, it’s the one, two punch of Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe. Well those two were at it again, this time to tell the story of Robin Hood. Despite years of saturation from the famous man in green tights, this was a different tale all together that is not the tale you think you’ve seen. But where shall I start? Maybe I’ll take a cue from the movie and start…at the beginning. Now as per a recent trend in Hollywood, prequels…

  • Movies/Entertainment,  Quick 5/Top 10

    G-S-T Quick 5 – Movies I've Warmed Up To…

    OK, here I am, humbly walking on the ground where I, like broken glass, laid out all the bad things I said about these movies. In the past I might have either not been in the right mindset for these films or maybe not been able to comprehend what they were trying to do. While not all of these are masterpieces (some fans would argue that one of them is) the films on this list now get my approval. I now feel much more of a connection with these films and honestly enjoy quite a bit whereas before I would say flat-out “I hated it”. Ah, the folly of youth… ——————————————————————————————————————————————— Boiler…